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SI Port of Spain


Soroptimist International of Port of Spain was founded in 1959 and is the founder Club of Soroptimist Clubs in the Commonwealth Caribbean. Soroptimist International of Port of Spain is a member of Soroptimist International which is a “worldwide organization for women in management and professions, working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women.”

It is also the founder Club of Soroptimist Clubs in the English – Speaking Caribbean.

Soroptimist International Port of Spain headquarters is located at:
15 Nepaul Street, St. James, Port of Spain.

Facebook Page:


Soroptimist International Port of Spain participated in Friendship Day 2024- “Casino Royale” hosted by Soroptimist International Newtown.

The Omaha Poker team won third prize for their presentation.

Congratulations SIPOS. Well done

We wore pink Chandelle Boas in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month.


SIPOS hosts “Cocktails for a Cause” fundraiser event

A memorable and enchanting evening – “COCKTAILS FOR A CAUSE” was held on the 25th August, 2024, “Orange Day”, in celebration of SI Port of Spain’s 65th Anniversary. SI Port of Spain was chartered on the 16th January, 1959 and was the first Soroptimist Club in Trinidad and Tobago and the Eastern Caribbean.

The event held was also in keeping with SIPOS’s focus for 2024 which is centered on the United Nation’s theme for International Women’s Day , Investing in Women: Accelerate Progress and marking our advocacy for the elimination of violence against women and girls. Guest speakers were His Excellency Victor Hugo Morales Mélendez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Professor, Rhoda Reddock, professor emerita of Gender, Social Change and Development of UWI, St. Augustine campus and Kandace Bharath-Nahous, an Attorney-at-Law, TV Host and Advocate against Gender Base Violence gave very informative insightful talks.

We were entertained with scintillating performances from the Spree Simon Harmonics steel band, Kevon Carter and D Piano Girl Johanna. There was a wonderful mini art exhibition of beautiful paintings and a silent auction from our very own member Oleisa Scott.

A special invited guest was Ms. Jenelle Thongs, Miss Universe Trinidad and Tobago who will be representing this country at the Miss Universe competition in Mexico. Our best wishes and success to her.

Everyone had a great time sipping the signature cocktails and various drinks and savouring an array of tasty hors d’oeuvres under the evening stars.

Four lucky winners won lovely door prizes.

Your kind support to this event will assist us to procure the much-needed funds that will enable the continuation of our work towards empowerment of women and girls through the implementation of impactful projects.

Soroptimist International Port of Spain
SIGBI Day of Action 13th July, 2024
Soroptimist International Port of Spain hosted an educational session entitled “Period Dignity” for girls between the ages of 11-18 years at St. Agnes Anglican Parish Hall.
President of SIPOS, Donna Scoon-Moses gave the opening address and Dr. Caroline Grant, Programme Action Officer introduced the guest speakers, Dr. Nadira Rambocas and Psychologist Tishanna Mitchell.
Dr. Rambocas currently leads the “Crown Her” initiative project which aims to lobby for the provision of at least one free menstrual product in order to alleviate period poverty in Trinidad and Tobago.
Tishanna Mitchell is the Head Counselling Psychologist at Therapy Me TT Counselling Services and is also the founder and director of the Mental Illness Awareness Project.
The sessions which were very interactive included topics on the female reproductive organs, menstrual hygiene, the various types of sanitary products and demonstrations on how they are to be used, pain management and the importance of caring for mental health during the female monthly cycles. The attendees were kept engaged throughout the sessions which were very informative and educational.
All participants were given refreshments and received gift bags with care items at the end of the session.
A special thank you to Guest Speakers, Dr. Rambocas and Tishanna Mitchell, all those who attended the Period Dignity event and to the following companies who generously donated care products:
Smith Robertson
Pennywise Cosmetics Ltd
Starlite Pharmacy
Dr. Nadira Rambocas

May is Membership Month

Soroptimist International of Port of Spain provides a platform for women of all ages to work at the National and international levels to facilitate the development and empowerment of women and girls through education, training, mentoring, coaching and exposure to numerous activities and services. If you would like to network with other women and become a member of this global Organisation, you can send us an email at or call us on (868) 7766949, (868) 7794930 and speak with our membership team. We would love to have you! Together we can enhance and transform the lives of women and girls throughout Trinidad and Tobago

At the recently held AGM of SIPOS, we were honoured to have in attendance, Christine Cole, President of SITT National Association and Ahhalia Ramdass, President of SI Anaparima, Vice President of SITT National Association and Federation Consultative Councillor.

In the picture from (l-r)

Ahhalia, Donna (newly elected President of SIPOS) and Christine



SI Port of Spain is delighted to welcome on board 4 new members who were inducted at its AGM held on the 10th Aprill, 2024.

(L-R) Oleisa Scott, Jamila James, Caroline Grant and Wanda Chesney.

They were presented with their certificates by Christine Cole, President of the SITT National Association and received their Soroptimist pins from our newly elected President, Donna Scoon Moses.

We wish them all the best.

SIPOS Welcomes New Executive For The 2024/2025 Term

Congratulations to President Donna Scoon Moses and her new Executive team. The members of the new executive in pictures flanking the President are Caroline Grant – Programme Action Officer, Carolyn James – President Elect, Dr. Wanda Chesney – Communication Officer, Culleen Ramdass Layne – Membership Officer and Patricia Adams – Treasurer.
Absent from the picture is Cathyan Townsend, Secretary and Girlie Sulaman, Immediate Past President.
Let’s welcome the President and the new Executive for Soroptimist International Port of Spain for the 2024-2025 term.

Soroptimist International Port of Spain in keeping with SITT National Association’s focus of this year’s celebration of International Women’s Day on Entrepreneurship, hosted an Entrepreneurial expo event with the theme “Empower her: Inspiring Future Entrepreneurs” on the 16th March, 2024 at UTT, National Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA).
The event which was well received by all aimed at empowering the next generation of female entrepreneurs and exposed the young ladies to entrepreneurship and small business ownership as a viable option for the future.
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to our 7 dynamic presenters who were all engaging, inspiring and on point with their topics. They are all established and successful entrepreneurs in the various areas of business and gave selflessly of their time to do their presentations: –
Na-o-mi Frederick- Founder/CEO- Women in Steelpan Limited; Cleste Huggins and Rachel Spence Co-owners of Hair Cleste -Caribbean Beauty Academy Limited; Kathryn Nurse – owner, Immortelle Beauty; Samanthra Mapp-Bartholomew – Owner Beauty Mapp; Nicole Joseph Chin Owner msBrafit; Christine Salandy, Owner/Managing Director of Chateau Savane; Chevonne Agana, Owner/Managing Director Chenelle’s
Topics assigned to each presenter Iin the order above) encompassed all the facets of entrepreneurship: —
-From Idea to Business opportunity
-How do I get started? Importance of a Business Plan. Importance of networking and building professional relationships in your industry.
-Marketing and branding- You are your brand.
-Weathering the storms- Embracing failure and learning from setbacks
-Market research- Is there a need for my product or service. Who are my competitors? How do I use this information?
-Techniques and skills for managing and operating a business
-Funding and Financial Management
The metaphor of planting the seed: exploring how an entrepreneurial dream can grow and flourish just like a seed was incorporated into the theme. (This theme was extracted from “Planting the seed: The Growth of an Entrepreneurial Dream by Charles Lange). Each topic was aligned to a stage in the planting of the seed. An entrepreneurial journey is one of growth and transformation, just like how a seed is nurtured carefully until it blossoms.
We also thank all the participants from the various youth clubs, cosmetology, esthetics, hairdressing schools for taking the time to attend. and also, to the parents who attended. They were all eager to listen to the inspiring presentations given and received many solid pointers and advice from these established and dynamic Entrepreneurs. They also had the opportunity to interact on a one-to-one basis with each presenter at the expo type session in the foyer. From feedback received they thoroughly enjoyed the event and found it worthwhile in assisting them with the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset.
Thank you to Salene Griffith, Master of Ceremonies who was absolutely awesome and did an excellent job. We were also very appreciative of her arranging an interview with our Communications Officer on 104.1 Radio station on the 14th March about the event.
We also thank the UTT Campus Manager, Ms. Karen Tardieu and her staff for the arrangements made for the venue.
Thank you to our Programme Action Officer, Donna Scoon Moses who took the lead in the organization of this event and the other SIPOS team members who worked really hard to make it a success,
We presented tokens of appreciation to all the presenters for a job well done.
We will continue to advocate for investing in women and girls and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset to help empower them to embrace the possibility of establishing their own businesses.
Visit our Facebook page to see all the lovely pictures.

Congratulations to Marian Taylor of Soroptimist International Port of Spain

Marian received her recognition award for her work as President of the Rape Crisis Society from His Excellency, Victor Hugo Morales Melendez, Mexican Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago. The event took place at the Mexican Embassy on the 7th March 2024 in commemoration of the International Women’s Day 2024 celebrations. Indeed, a proud moment

Donna Jackman Wilson, Soroptimist International, Port of Spain represented the club today (5th March 2024) at a Breakfast Meeting in commemoration of International Women’s Day at the Diplomatic Centre, hosted by Mrs. Sharon, Clark-Rowley.

It was a successful event with a panel discussing issues of gender-based violence, policing and the judiciary.


Celebrating 65 years 0f dedicated service and friendship.

SI Port of Spain commemorated the 65th anniversary of its inauguration with a Thanksgiving Mass at the Chapel of Ease, Anglican Church, Maraval on Sunday 14th January 2024. Following the mass, there was a sharing of refreshments with our sister members and parishioners which were well received and appreciated.

There are other events planned during the year to mark this auspicious occasion. These will be advised in due course.

We say a special thanks to our Soroptimist Sisters who joined us as well as to the priest and parishioners of Chapel of Ease.

Following the sharing of refreshments, SI Port of Spain members had a very productive meeting discussing the way forward regarding projects and fundraisers for 2024.

#womeninspiringactionchanging lives


SI Port of Spain Live Webinar on the 6th December 2023 in support of the 16 days of activism against Gender based violence was very enlightening and informative. The webinar focused on this year’s theme “Wired for Change: Tech’s Impact on gender Based Abuse.”

While technology make many aspects of our lives easier, it also presents new ways to perpetuate abuse against women and girls. The topics covered by our dynamic presenters sought to explore more about technology facilitated gender-based violence and strategic solutions.

We extend a BIG THANK YOU to our guests including some of our Soroptimist Internatinal sister clubs who registered and joined the webinar. Also to our dynamic Moderator, Donielle A. Jones and 4 presenters, Folade Mutota, Marian Judy Taylor, Kurlise Bentham and Adrian Alexander who did an excellent job in navigating the discussion on their respective topics.

Special mentioned to Lindsay Green, Programme Director, Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) who joined the webinar and was so enthralled with the impactful level of the discussion.

Soroptimist International Port of Spain “Funtastic Christmas Wreathmaking Fundraiser was a great success.

SI Port of Spain “Fun-tastic Christmas Wreathmaking” fundraiser was a great success. Everyone had a wonderful time learning to make beautiful wreaths to adorn their homes this Christmas season. The event lent to amazing creativity under the guidance and instruction of our Membership Officer, Patricia Boyce Forgenie who is a UK trained and experienced florist.

The 2 Dutch Auctions towards the end of the event were exciting and many persons participated including the very young ones. There were also lovely door prizes to be won.

Everyone enjoyed the sumptuous refreshments served and the sorrel and ginger beer, traditional drinks of the Christmas season. We thank Frankie’s on the Avenue for their kind sponsorship of the sorrel.

We would like to say a special thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser including some of our SI Club members. We really appreciated your kind support which would assist us in our projects in advancing the status of women and girls in our communities.

Special thanks also to “Philomena” who was such a dynamic MC, engaging everyone and contributed to the fun atmosphere felt by all.

We acknowledge with gratitude the committee who worked on this Fundraiser. Special mention to Patrica Boyce Forgenie and Victoria Forgenie who took the lead.


You are welcome to visit the Facebook Page of SI Port of Spain to see all the lovely pictures.

Soroptimist International clubs of T&T

Friendship Day 8th October 2023

Theme: The People Who Came

Soroptimist International Port of Spain Syrian/Lebanese display.

Our treasured members, Merle Latchman, Norma Inniss and Norma Demas were each conferred the title of Honorary Member by the Soroptimist International Trinidad and Tobago, National Association at the Annual General Meeting held on the 9th September 2023, in appreciation of their unwavering dedication, commitment and exceptional service.
They have all been past Presidents of SI Port of Spain. Merle Latchman -1975-1978, Norma Demas – 1978-1981 and Norma Inniss -1996 to 1997.
Also honoured were Dorothy Callender, Elsa Ferguson and Ursula de Castro who were conferred Honorary Life Membership and Dr Martha Frederick-Franklin and Fay Nobrega who were conferred Honorary Membership
SI Port of Spain extends hearty Congratulations and best wishes to all.

SI Port of Spain Members at the Soroptimist International Trinidad and Tobago National Association AGM on the 9th of September 2023., at the Royal Hotel, San Fernando.

Trinidad Delegates at the 2023 Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin

SI Port of Spain delegates to the 2023 Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin on the 27th to 29th July

L-R – Donna Scoon-Moses – Project Action Officer

Girlie Sulaman – President


SIBGI Day of Action- 15th July, 2023

“Suit Me Up” Workshop

SI Port of Spain “Suit Me Up” Workshop held on the 15th July , 2023 was a success. This was in commemoration of SIGBI Day of action which coincided with the United Nations World Youth Skills Day, with a focus on girls and doing something around young people.

The workshop was geared for the underprivileged females leaving the school system, with a focus on proper dress and grooming in the workplace and preparation for a business interview.

The students experienced very informative and enjoyable sessions presented by some of our members and prospective members.

Cathyann -Moderator

Pat- Opening prayer and history of SI Port of Spain

Donna SM- Introduction of students and dressing for the business interview.

Victoria- General Hygiene and hairstyles for the work place.

Donna SM and Victoria -appropriate and inappropriate dress in the work place

Oleisa- History and Importance of dress and grooming.; women in the workplace; three types of female business attire (formal, professional and casual)

Rysha-Rae Jennings- Guest makeup artist.

At the end of the sessions the students were well prepared with skills for conducting a business interview and tools to help them transition from secondary school to the workforce. They thoroughly enjoyed the sessions which was evident by the various positive feedback received from the students and their parents. They were very elated when presented with their hampers of a nice assortment and mix and match of work clothes.

Sincere thanks to all who worked very hard to bring this project to fruition.We would also like to acknowledge our new prospect Oleisa Scott who took the lead on this project.

Also, A BIG THANK YOU to our SI Clubs, family, friends, colleagues who donated work clothes and shoes which were greatly appreciated and assisted in the success of the workshop

SI Port of Spain “Suit Me Up” Workshop on the 15th July, 2023

Preparation of hampers for SI Port of Spain “SUIT ME UP” project

Membership Month
In celebration of Membership Month, SI Port of Spain had the pleasure of welcoming 4 new members to the club this afternoon following their AGM.
Culleen Ramdass Layne
Keeley Ashby
Venessa Baboolal
Dr. Wanda Chesney
President Girlie Sulaman presented them with certificates and Soroptimist pins.
L-R- Keeley Ashby, Girlie stood in for Dr. Wanda Chesney and Venessa Baboolal who were unable to attend, Culleen Ramdass Layne

(Front row: L-R) Sarah Rajkumar, first place winner in the junior category; Naomi Adams, First place and overall winner in the Senior category, Isaiah Sobers, 2nd place winner in the Junior category, Madison Herde, 3rd place winner in the Senior category, Shannon Alonzo, Art Teacher at Maple Leaf International (missing from picture, Taylor Burns, 2nd place winner in the Senior Category and T’Keya Boynes, 3rd place .winner in the Junior category)
(Back row: L-R) Some of SIPOS Members- Donna Scoon Moses -Project Action Officer,
Patricia Adams- Treasurer, Carolyn James- Communications Officer; Culleen- Member of SIPOS

Sara Rajkumar from St. Augustine Girls High School placed first in the Junior Category from SI Port of Spain club. She also received a Certificate of Merit from the SITT National Association judging. Sara stands next to her wonderful art piece which caught the judges attention.

Naomi Adams from Bishop Anstey High School East winner in 1st Place from SI Port of Spain Club and overall winner from the SITT National Association judging. Naomi is in the middle flanked by her parents who are so proud and elated by her achievements. Above Naomi is her wonderful painting and synopsis which showed not only her creativity but critical thinking in tandem with the theme of the art competition


Winners in the Senior and Junior categories from SI Port of Spain

IMAGINE- School art competition. 
SI Port of Spain extend sincere thanks and appreciation to the schools who participated in the SITT National Association School Art Competition. The theme of the competition was “IMAGINE what a world without violence against women and girls would look like.” The creativity and imagination of ideas were impressive and inspiring and shows how talented these young budding artists are.
The exhibition is at the Rotunda of the National Library and Information Systems Authority (NALIS) and will run until the 3rd of April. Other Soroptimist International Clubs’s art pieces are also on display.
The first and second winners from the SI Clubs who participated will be eligible for level 2 of judging facilitated by SITT National Association.


SI Port of Spain members enjoyed the wonderful Friendship Day hosted by SI San Fernando at La Vega, Gran Couva on Sunday 19th March 2023. We were delighted to meet out sister Soroptimists and participate in all the fun events thoroughly enjoyed by all. The theme was the sixties and there were various combinations of outfits resembling that era.

SIPOS was enthralled to be the 2nd place winners for the song and dance competition. In addition, one of our members Jamila won the egg and spoon race.  All in all, we had a great time.

Thank you SI San Fernando.

SI Port of Spain, SI Chaguanas, SI Esperance clubs


SI Port of Spain’s Contingent at the IWD March.


Soroptimists participate in IWD March 2023

SI Port of Spain, SI Chaguanas and SI Esperance participated in the Women’s Rights Alliance Annual Solidarity March on the 11th of March 2023 around the Queen’s Park Savannah. This was organized by the Institute for Gender and Development Studies, UWI, the network of NGOs, WINAD, CIWILTT among others. The theme for the event was “Embrace Everyone.” This event which was well attended by various women organizations in the country was in commemoration of IWD, 8th March, 2023. There were speeches at various stops around the Savannah.



In commemoration of the 64th Anniversary of the Charter of SI Port of Spain, Soroptimist members from the Port of Spain club and also our sister clubs were invited to attend a brunch at the Cascadia Hotel on the 15th of January 2023.

President Girlie gave the opening address and reflected on the inauguration of SI Port of Spain on the 16th of January 1959. Founder and first President of the Port of Spain Club, Dame Audrey Jeffers, a national icon received the Charter for the club from the Federation of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland. This became the first Soroptimist club in the English-Speaking Caribbean.

There was great friendship and camaraderie experienced and everyone had an enjoyable time.

We thank all our Sister Soroptimists for supporting our function and those who sent us greetings which helped to make it a memorable one. We also acknowledge the members who wanted to attend but due to the tickets being sold out, were unable to be accommodated.