SIBGI Day of Action- 15th July, 2023
“Suit Me Up” Workshop
SI Port of Spain “Suit Me Up” Workshop held on the 15th July , 2023 was a success. This was in commemoration of SIGBI Day of action which coincided with the United Nations World Youth Skills Day, with a focus on girls and doing something around young people.
The workshop was geared for the underprivileged females leaving the school system, with a focus on proper dress and grooming in the workplace and preparation for a business interview.
The students experienced very informative and enjoyable sessions presented by some of our members and prospective members.
Cathyann -Moderator
Pat- Opening prayer and history of SI Port of Spain
Donna SM- Introduction of students and dressing for the business interview.
Victoria- General Hygiene and hairstyles for the work place.
Donna SM and Victoria -appropriate and inappropriate dress in the work place
Oleisa- History and Importance of dress and grooming.; women in the workplace; three types of female business attire (formal, professional and casual)
Rysha-Rae Jennings- Guest makeup artist.
At the end of the sessions the students were well prepared with skills for conducting a business interview and tools to help them transition from secondary school to the workforce. They thoroughly enjoyed the sessions which was evident by the various positive feedback received from the students and their parents. They were very elated when presented with their hampers of a nice assortment and mix and match of work clothes.
Sincere thanks to all who worked very hard to bring this project to fruition.We would also like to acknowledge our new prospect Oleisa Scott who took the lead on this project.
Also, A BIG THANK YOU to our SI Clubs, family, friends, colleagues who donated work clothes and shoes which were greatly appreciated and assisted in the success of the workshop