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Fashion Show creates a stir in Mayford

July 27th 2022
Share the good news please..“We have changed lives for the better”
A rip roaring success.. soroptimists at #SIWeybridge and #SIWoking held the biannual Tea & Temptations event in Mayford in June. This amazing fundraiser event was planned by both clubs, with models, waitresses and bakers all contributing a delicious afternoon tea and a chic fashion show. We must acknowledge the enormous help and support of local boutiques including @bettyandclaudechobham, @Phase8weybridge and @madjakshere who very generously provided the fashion for the event. We were also able to invite local Muslim women who modelled their own brand fashion and traders who promoted gifts to our audience of some 60 guests. The amazing funds raised are now counted and available to fund our joint regional project The Barbara Watts Volunteering in Pretoria/Tshwane (VIP) effort, enabling 2 young South African female students to gain intensive work experience in teaching and opportunity for a higher education.
This event raised over £1700 in one afternoon thanks to the generosity of local boutiques, the team who planned it with diligence, model members, bakers, waitresses, our star compere Suzette and the local Muslim women and the venue which hosts the event biannually for us.
BIG THANKS to ALL. This means we have generated a solid sum to support our VIP Project in the year ahead.