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Soroptimists learn about UN defined “gender apartheid” in Afghanistan first hand

Soroptimists learn about UN defined “gender apartheid” in Afghanistan first hand

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Yesterday SIGBI Day of Action, Southern region met near Winchester. Member Helen Porter spoke about her positive experience as a Soroptimist delegate attending UN CSW 67 in New York and highlighted next years theme as being so aligned with SI charitable goals, that of ‘poverty’. This was followed by a passionate and truly humbling presentation by the former Women’s Minister in Afghanistan. A Soroptimist, Hasina outlined the realities in Afghanistan since the Taliban assumed control. The lack of humanity shown and shortages in food, utilities, medicines and water is impacting all but especially women and widows who have no menfolk. Students and girls who have no access to education and those who live in fear following their involvement with peace and international liaison are living in constant distress. Women are dying early due to lack of access to healthcare and medicines. Hasina’s international evacuee links

Foodbanks value Soroptimist gift of Factor 50 Sun Cream

Foodbanks value Soroptimist gift of Factor 50 Sun Cream

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Following club member donations and cash generated at the Oatlands Fair competition, 100 Bottles of Factor 50 Sunscreen were purchased by soroptimist Brenda; shoppers in Morrisons saw her accosted by staff as she cleared the shelves!  After a moments explanation she continued her purchase….Morrisons are such good supporters of the foodbanks and charities generally. On 14th June Brenda and Jeannie delivered 50 to Walton & Hersham foodbank; it was very gratefully received arriving just ahead of the hot summer weather. Ann D and Brenda gathered the other 50 bottles  for delivery to Runnymede (Weybridge)  foodbank. Colin and his team were very appreciative of the donation, especially as now sunscreen is an expensive item. The bottles were weighed for distribution. We were informed many would go to the distribution centre at Ambleside Avenue as this is a very busy collection point. Today SIGBI received an email…

Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts (SDAC) – How Special Are They?

Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts (SDAC) – How Special Are They?

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Below a link to a recent important Soroptimist Report on the Domestic Violence Court functioning in England. Local Soroptimists from the club in Elmbridge were involved with this project observing at court cases at Guildford, completing and submitting results which have in part enabled this analysis of functioning and “fit for purpose”. The results and recommendations need to be circulated widely so influencers are aware of the shortcoming in terms of victim support. Members have sent the report to Ben Spencer, Jonathon Lord and Dominic Raab, MPs locally and already action has been taken to highlight the findings to the Ministry of Justice. It has also been circulated to Magistrates, Judges, DA Services, Charities,  and the Police Commissioners amongst others with very positive comment and outcomes already. SI Weybridge & District are delighted to share the report link with you; do share this to anyone

Community SI/Ukrainian Teamwork adds value all round.

Community SI/Ukrainian Teamwork adds value all round.

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Caryle’s sterling work with Elmbridge CAN provided SI Weybridge with the invitation to host the Cream Tea at the Weybridge Society’s Community Fair. Judy Sarsby, Councillor, worked with Weybridge Society to ensure the week long Weybridge Festival was even more successful than last year. She told us that an estimated 8000 visitors attended events. It was without doubt an incredible effort and major boost for the community. Carlye, Brenda and I worked closely with the lead from ECAN especially volunteer Georgina. We spent 12 hours in planning meetings together and many more on the ‘phone refining the task checklist. The community Centre was given for free for the pop up but we had limited access… so the list of “we might need” was very long indeed! Our tasks? Jeannie updated the pop-up banners, Brooklands College supplied 140 delicious scones, Anne G another amazing 48 (plus gorgeous

Soroptimists ‘cream it’ for charity at Weybridge Community Fair on June 24th

Soroptimists ‘cream it’ for charity at Weybridge Community Fair on June 24th

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After several weeks of Soroptimist liaison with Elmbridge CAN at the fantastic Weybridge Community Centre, we have a team ready to bake and host a superb Cream Tea and Prosecco pop-up venue with our Ukrainian partners. The festival is in full swing and the Pop-Up Cream Tea venue is open from 12pm to 6pm on June 24th. Open to all… come by when you’re shopping in town. Arrive early to enjoy the best choice of home baked gateaux, scones, cakes and children’s treats, a chilled glass of prosecco even! Come later to rest your feet or buy any residual cakes. Every £ you spend will aid the sterling work of Elmbridge CAN a community, volunteer-powered, non-party political charity,  based in Elmbridge. They aim to build a culture of welcome to refugees within the local community, and work to achieve the settlement of more refugees in the Borough

Women who kill…their partners – the topic of last weeks club meeting

Women who kill…their partners – the topic of last weeks club meeting

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What good fortune we had as a club to be able to welcome Professor Susan Edwards to our club meeting in May. A long time friend of Mary she kindly agreed to attend our meeting to speak on the legal changes in the sentencing and treatment of “women who kill” following domestic abuse, coercive control and the constancy of fear. With over 20 at the meeting there was much discussion and surprise how a degree of relative leniency under common law from the 17th century cases has changed with wider judicial change and case law in more recent times.    Watch the Club Newsletter for more information. Susan would make a superb addition to any expert working party looking at the current bills and  future proposals for amending and lobbying via CSW, governments and local policy. Sincere thanks to Mary, Carlye and of course dear

Yummy Soroptimist Cream Tea at the Weybridge Festival -Saturday June 24th – Save the Date!

Yummy Soroptimist Cream Tea at the Weybridge Festival -Saturday June 24th – Save the Date!

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Soroptimists are getting ready to host the Cream Tea at the Weybridge Festival on Saturday June 24th     On June 24th Weybridge and District Soroptimist Club will be hosting the @WeybridgeFestival Cream Tea with local Ukrainian women and girls. Help us all raise much needed funds for @ElmbridgeCAN ( the sponsor and fantastic local charity which support refugees in so many ways. Rest your feet for a while with friends over a pleasant cream tea and a glass of prosecco even! Find the Festival Tea Cafe at the Weybridge Community Centre accessed off Churchfield Road (, look out for the posters and sign posts. Open from 2pm-4pm

#Soroptimists shone bright at Oatlands Village Fayre, Weybridge

#Soroptimists shone bright at Oatlands Village Fayre, Weybridge

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The sun may have been hiding much of the day but #Soroptimists from SI Weybridge and District shone bright at Oatlands Village Fayre on Saturday 13th May. Following the advert in the fayre booklet (very kindly inserted by Andrew) attendance at the booth was brisk. Handmade Maripula bags and cushion covers (from our SI sisters in South Africa), tomato/sunflower plants, home grown organic rhubarb, a book sale, a children’s competition and wonderful company attracted fayre goers to come along and chat. Brenda (and Paul..) created a fabulous showcase of our last years work in the club and worked hard to highlight and man the booth with Jeannie and Alexis. Mary and the team helped galvanise visitors and ensured the day went with panache; a good profit was made on the day for the club charity account and Alexis is summing up the sale profits to

Welcome our high profile and influential speaker on Thursday evening – Prof. Susan Edwards

Welcome our high profile and influential speaker on Thursday evening – Prof. Susan Edwards

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So delighted to confirm our speaker for Thursday. Huge thanks to Carlye for identifying such a high profile and influential woman who focuses widely on women and education in multicultural legal aspects; Susan will enlighten us on the dynamics of abusive relationships and focus on the case of women who kill their abusive partners.  Susan recently published insight into the matters surrounding the courts decision making on the return of Shamima Begum to Britain. ( Prepare to take this opportunity to welcome Susan in person and discuss salient points which might impact our work with refugees and young women/DA services. Speaker: Prof Susan Edwards, Professor of Law Emerita, University of Buckingham BA (CNAA), MA, PhD (Manc), LLM (Reading); Barrister England and Wales, Practising Certificate; Member of the Expert Witness Institute (MEWI), formerly Editor Denning Law Journal 2005-2015 A barrister and a well-known writer and broadcaster on feminist