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Rest in Peace Dorothy Clark MBE

Rest in Peace Dorothy Clark MBE


On Wednesday October 19th 2022 soroptimist members from several SI clubs, fellow educators and dear friends joined Dorothy’s husband Dennis and her family at the Funeral Service and Celebration of Life for Dorothy a Founding Member and President of SI Weybridge & District. The church St. Peter’s in Hersham, Surrey was filled beyond capacity as her family and dear friends sparkled in colourful outfits to bid farewell and celebrate Dorothy’s remarkable life.  Dorothy’s family have released a video live link of the service. This is available for Soroptimists to view, please get in touch with the club for the details.

@ElmbridgeSoroptimists step up making >£1100 to accelerate diagnosis & awareness of ovarian cancer

@ElmbridgeSoroptimists step up making >£1100 to accelerate diagnosis & awareness of ovarian cancer

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On Saturday 8th October 3 Soroptimists from SI Weybridge & District were joined by 2 local friends to walk the 10th annual National #TargetOvarianCancer Walk/Run 2022. The cancer supports research, raises awareness of the cancer symptoms and educates healthcare professionals in diagnosis of what is a silent and killer disease of women in middle and later years.  Over 1000 walkers registered for the Walk/run mostly walking at Queen Elizabeth Park, London or again in November in Belfast or local to their homes. The charity hoped to achieve £250,000 in donations. Even with over 1000 people walking it was a challenging target sum. @Weybridgesoroptimists and friends set off at 10am walking from Hampton Court Bridge to Kingston through Home Park, onward to Teddington Lock and across the lock to Bushy Park, a 10km course. With a few scenic pauses, a chance meet with the @Hamptoncourtpalace carthorses

Practice makes for Perfect … #WeybridgeSoroptimists walk for Women’s Health Charity on Saturday 8th October

Practice makes for Perfect … #WeybridgeSoroptimists walk for Women’s Health Charity on Saturday 8th October

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Day -02. 6th October 2022 Target Ovarian Cancer National Walk/Run on 8th October Over 100 people will join in and the charity hopes to raise £250,000 in a single day!   Today we #Soroptimists tested our stamina and the planned route for Weybridge & District #Soroptimists’ part of the annual Target Ovarian Cancer charity Walk/Run; it was rather nicer walking into the sunshine from Hampton Court Palace stopping at the cafe after the 10km in Bushy Park. It took 2hrs 20m with a few photo stops of the sights along water; by the end of the team walk on Saturday 8th Caroline,  Brenda, Viv, Brenda’s daughter, Pippa and Ann will have walked 65km over a week in support of #targetovariancancer. Amazing weather today, fingers crossed for the same on Saturday when we #Soroptimists set off at 10am. To date we’ve raised over £400 with

Sponsorship helps!
Elmbridge Soroptimists take part in Ovarian Cancer 10km walk on October 8th 2022

Elmbridge Soroptimists take part in Ovarian Cancer 10km walk on October 8th 2022

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Soroptimists in #Elmbridge will join hundreds of supporters in London and Belfast by walking to support the 10th annual fundraising event organised by the charity #TargetOvarianCancer. #’Soroptiimnsts from SI Weybridge & District will be joined by friends and family during #gynaecologicalcancerawareness month on the walk. The walkers will start in Bushy Park by the Diana Fountain walk through Teddington crossing the river at the lock, pass by Canbury Gardens in Kingston and cross back by Kingston Bridge then walk through Home Park to finish at Hampton Court Palace. Watch out for the women, donate on line to add to the funds raised and share the news to increase awareness of the disease and charity. Thank you to the supporters and for donations thus far. You can read about the achievements the charity has succeeded with since the annual event started here Learn about the

Fashion Show creates a stir in Mayford

Fashion Show creates a stir in Mayford

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July 27th 2022 Share the good news please..“We have changed lives for the better” A rip roaring success.. soroptimists at #SIWeybridge and #SIWoking held the biannual Tea & Temptations event in Mayford in June. This amazing fundraiser event was planned by both clubs, with models, waitresses and bakers all contributing a delicious afternoon tea and a chic fashion show. We must acknowledge the enormous help and support of local boutiques including @bettyandclaudechobham, @Phase8weybridge and @madjakshere who very generously provided the fashion for the event. We were also able to invite local Muslim women who modelled their own brand fashion and traders who promoted gifts to our audience of some 60 guests. The amazing funds raised are now counted and available to fund our joint regional project The Barbara Watts Volunteering in Pretoria/Tshwane (VIP) effort, enabling 2 young South African female students to gain intensive work experience

End Violence against Women – Stalking is Serious

End Violence against Women – Stalking is Serious

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1 IN 6 PEOPLE WILL BE STALKED AT SOME POINT IN THEIR LIFE. Are you or is someone you know worried that someone might be being stalked? The Suzy Lamplugh Trust understand that it can be difficult seeking support; their tool is here to help you with the following: The law in relation to stalking and harassment in the United Kingdom Reporting stalking or harassment Effective gathering of evidence Improving your personal safety and that of your friends and family Practical steps to reduce the risk Accessing local services such as housing, emotional support etc. The majority of stalker/victim relationships are ex intimate partners. Get help or support if you’re worried. Don’t feel that you’re overreacting. #stalking #soroptimist #orangeday #siwad #orangetheworld #VAWG

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July 11th 2022 Share the good news please..“We have changed lives for the better” A rip roaring success.. soroptimists at #SIWeybridge and #SIWoking held the biannual Tea & Temptations event in Mayford last week. This amazing fundraiser event was planned by both clubs, with models, waitresses and bakers all contributing a delicious afternoon tea and a chic fashion show. We must acknowledge the enormous help and support of local boutiques including @bettyandclaudechobham, @Phase8weybridge and @madjakshere who very generously provided the fashion for the event. We were also able to invite local Muslim women and traders to promote their own fashion range and gifts to our audience of some 60 guests. The funds raised will soon be available to fund our joint regional project The Barbara Watts Volunteering in Pretoria/Tshwane (VIP) effort, enabling 2 young South African female students to gain intensive work experience in teaching

Safeguarding for Soroptimists – ‘if you see something – say something’ and ‘don’t think what if I’m wrong – think ‘what if I’m right’….

Safeguarding for Soroptimists – ‘if you see something – say something’ and ‘don’t think what if I’m wrong – think ‘what if I’m right’….

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Just wanting to highlight the video on club safeguarding, especially to our new members, Suzette supports us in this regard at SI Weybridge & District Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility Safeguarding Video There is also a 3 minute video, which all club members are required to see, it explains what people should do if they see something, which is not quite right or makes them feel uncomfortable, with the message ‘If you see something, say something’. ‘Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Responsibility’. The video and documents are located on the SIGBI Website in the Members Area. The video is also available on You Tube Club Safeguarding Link/Leads Across clubs within the Region we have a number of Soroptimist members who have volunteered to act as Safeguarding leads within their clubs.  They are shown on the main site. Although the Safeguarding Leads/Link posts in our clubs are not mandatory; the

‘Walk and Talk’ change the outcome for Ovarian Cancer sufferers… #Targetovariancancer

‘Walk and Talk’ change the outcome for Ovarian Cancer sufferers… #Targetovariancancer

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Following our recent talk by #Targetovariancancer  Soroptimists note the charity Target Ovarian Cancer have a fundraising walk/run in October. Is this a matter close to your own heart? Could we Soroptimists walk 10K and make a difference? I’m game if you are… small steps can lead to change. Soroptimists love to change the future for women. How to join Team Target The following registration fees apply: Adults: £12.50 Children (aged 5-18)​: £5 Infants (under 5)​: free Team of five adults: £50 (includes one free entry!) All you need to enter multiple people is their names and email addresses – they’ll need to follow instructions in their confirmation email to complete their registration. We ask each adult to raise a minimum of £100 in sponsorship and for children to simply raise as much as they can. Registration closes at 12pm on Friday 7 October. SIGN UP All participants will receive

#SayNoToPlastic in July, Soroptimists Challenge!

#SayNoToPlastic in July, Soroptimists Challenge!

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SIGBI Day of Action – 16th July 2022 follows UN World Environment Day on June 5th  This year, the SIGBI Day of Action will focus on Climate Change and reducing the use of Single-use plastics. Activities that take place during the month of July will be marked on a SIGBI map, to be published in August. The UN is supporting this effort this year in September. Let #Soroptimists get ahead of that.. Why Care? Plastic pollution is harming life on land and below water around the world, and plastic production is contributing to climate change and global warming. Addressing the plastic crisis demands high-level global action and policy, but efforts to reduce plastic waste can start with a few small steps. Unless we take major steps to reduce plastic pollution from production to consumption, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050.