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May 2024 – Working in a Man’s World Welcome, Soroptimists! – Contact Cards

May 2024 – Working in a Man’s World Welcome, Soroptimists! – Contact Cards


Contact Cards The Contact Cards designed and introduced by SI Woking, are now available in some libraries across Surrey. Woking Library has them, but you can also contact us to get one. Working in a Man’s World Kim Webb started our new programme of speakers off  this month.  Her talk  on “Working In A Man’s World” was lively, interesting and thought provoking. Highly diverting but much to mull over. Members of SI Woking brought bags of store cupboard items to the May Social Meeting.  They will be donated to Your Sanctuary.  The charity will then give food to victims of domestic violence who have fled their home. Welcome, Soroptimists! President Fiona officially welcomed new members Jane and Joy to SI Woking at our May Social Meeting. Our Club is growing, helping us to do more in the community and for women and girls.  

September 2023 – Orange the World – New Soroptimist logo – fundraising event – shining light

September 2023 – Orange the World – New Soroptimist logo – fundraising event – shining light


Orange the World 25 September 2023 – Soroptimists were at Squires Café and Garden Centre in Woking to draw attention to the violence suffered by women and girls. Thank you, Squires, for the welcome and support you gave us!   On the 25fh of the month we are raising awareness about the need to reduce violence against women and girls – so much in the local and national news at the moment. Look for the women dressed in orange – and join them for a chat! New Soroptimist International logo The cover picture for our September news show the new Soroptimist International logo.  Adopted at the recent global Soroptimist International conference in Dublin, it brings us right up to date! Fundraising event Advance notice: Woking Soroptimists are organising an event to raise funds for Appeer.  This Surrey-based organisation meets an important need.  It helps autistic

April 2022 – New Woking – New Soroptimist year – Debates – Witches – Soroptimist International – Action4Women – Horsell Scrubbers

April 2022 – New Woking – New Soroptimist year – Debates – Witches – Soroptimist International – Action4Women – Horsell Scrubbers


New Woking – New Soroptimist Year The new Woking is emerging with the opening of Victoria Place.  The atrium with its shops and bowling alley is an exciting addition to the shopping centre. New beginnings are definitely in the air, with the new town development, the start of Spring and a new Soroptimist year on the horizon. Horsell Scrubbers If you want to meet an inspiring bunch of people, get in touch with Woking’s Horsell Scrubbers !  Leader Claire Ingham – just elevated to ‘Eminent Citizen of Woking for her work – started the group during the Covid-19 pandemic when NHS staff needed scrubs and kit.  Now that there is less need for those items, Horsell Scrubbers has turned to community sewing and help with sewing and repairs.  Check out their great programme of workshops. Action4Women A timely topic and session! A virtual event with

February 2021 – 100 years – Female Genital Mutilation – Phoenix Cultural Centre – De Lara – Body image – Polio

February 2021 – 100 years – Female Genital Mutilation – Phoenix Cultural Centre – De Lara – Body image – Polio


Then and Now – 100 years of Soroptimism 1931-1941 Soroptimist Movement “I do not think I am being over optimistic when I predict that in a few years’ time there will be a Soroptimist Club in every town and city of importance in Europe and America” .  Mrs Pitt-Rivers said this in the first edition of ‘The London Soroptimist’ Newsletter in 1926. She was right! The first UK Soroptimist Club published the ‘London Soroptimist’ magazine for the first time in September 1926.  It was followed by The British Soroptimist magazine, launched in 1930, and filled the need to circulate information, ideas and news to all members in the country.  Initially in black and white, the magazine evolved into a full-colour edition, called ‘Soroptimist News’ from 1991, and then ‘The Soroptimist’.  Today, the Soroptimist magazine is entirely electronic, easily downloadable with the app.  In every guise,