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SIGBI Ltd General Meeting 2019

The General Meeting commenced with a speech by Federation President, Sue Williams, who had many people to thank for their assistance during her term of office. Sue also outlined the ongoing work on the Strategic Plan, and the working committees.The Annual Report and Accounts 2018-2019 were adopted, and approved gained to appoint Beever and Struthers as our Auditors for 2019-2020.

There were six Resolutions, which produced lively debate.

Resolution 1 as amended by Amendment 2 was carried, thereby reducing the Board to 7 Members with effect from October 2020: President, President Elect, Programme Director, Membership Director, Finance Director, Governance Director, PR & Marketing Director.

Resolution 2, to accept the revised Articles, was carried without Amendment

Resolution 3, to accept the revised SIGBI Bylaws was contentious because of the inclusion of a change to a two-year term of office for the SIGBI President. An Amendment was received from the floor, and accepted by the President, to accept the revised SIGBI Bylaws with the exception of the change to the SIGBI President’s Term of Office. This Amendment was carried.

Resolution 4, to accept the revised Region/NA/Network Constitution, was carried.

Resolution 5, to accept the revised Club Constitution, was carried.

Resolution 6, to allow Membership Fees to be increased each year by no more than 4% using the Consumer Price Index, was carried.