Bridgend Soroptimists held their AGM at the Heronston Hotel last night and welcomed their new President, Lesley Davies.

Although outgoing president Gaynor Hoare was unable to attend, she expressed her thanks to members for their support and commitment over the previous two years. Eileen Bayley stood in for Gaynor and presented Lesley with the chain of office. President Lesley said it was an honour to be taking up this role and she looked forward to continuing to promote Soroptimism with a busy programme. Her theme for the year is the Safety of Women and Girls with a focus on modern slavery and trafficking.
Find out more about President Lesley here.
President Lesley then welcomed Ruth Davies-Kemp as President Elect giving her the President Elect insignia of the Williamsburg brooch.

The gold brooch is a replica of the Mace of the Colonial City of Williamsburg in Virginia, USA and was given to a past member of SI Bridgend, Dr Kath Snell, by SI Williamsburg one of our friendship links. When the brooch was bequeathed to the club after Kath’s death, it was decided to use it as the President Elect’s insignia.

Following the business of the AGM, Lesley was delighted that one of her first tasks as President was to present a long service award to Jean Thomas for 40 years’ Soroptimist service. Lesley congratulated Jean on all that she had achieved and for her unstinting support for Soroptimist International and in particular, SI Bridgend.
The meeting closed with members enjoying friendship and chatter over coffee as we look forward with interest and anticipation to the coming year.