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First graduates from our tailoring training in rural Nepal

Yesterday, 14 girls and women from Sarlahi District in rural south Nepal, completed their six months’ training in basic tailoring, organised by Lily’s Leaves. All graduates will leave the course with their own sewing machine as a gift and will be supported with start-up grants and loans towards setting up in business, if they so wish.

One of the deaf girls from the Lily’s Leaves centre in Kathmandu, Muskan, went to Sarlahi to distribute certificates and congratulate the new graduates. Muskan was one of our previous trainees and is now on the staff of the Lily’s Leaves production centre, where she specialises in making silver jewellery.

Another of the girls, Rabina, is a graduate from the six-month basic tailoring course in Kathmandu and has returned to this village to set up her own little business that she runs from home. She’s keeping very busy with local orders, earning a good income for herself and her family. She too congratulated the new graduates who are keen to emulate Rabina’s success.