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New Year Lunch

New Year Lunch

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SI Bridgend kicked off 2018 with a New Year’s Lunch at The Heronston Hotel. The speaker, Mel Bastier, gave an interesting talk on willow weaving – with a number of members deciding that they would like to consider having a willow coffin! These photos show, in spite of a rather macabre discussion, a great time was had by all.

Soroptimist Sisters – President 3

Soroptimist Sisters – President 3

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Bridgend Soroptimists’ 70th anniversary year with a difference continues with the third of our three Presidents! President Lily Laesser handed over the chain of office to Eurwen Richards for her to start her 4 months as the Club’s President. As this is a special year for the Club, three of our long-serving members are sharing the Presidential chain. Eurwen, who was Club President in 2002-2003 is picking up the “Future” part of our “Past, Present and Future” theme and has an exciting programme planned looking forward to our next 70 years! We thank Lily for her service to the Club and wish Eurwen well for this next few months.

Meru Women’s Garden Project Christmas Tree

Meru Women’s Garden Project Christmas Tree

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Once again SI Bridgend participated in the Bridgend Christmas Tree Festival held in Nolton Church. The decision was taken to decorate the tree with felt fruit and vegetables – beautifully made by one of our talented members – to create awareness of the SIGBI project, the Meru Women’s Garden Project. Material promoting and explaining the project sat around the base of the tree, together with SIGBI information, informing visitors that to date memebers of SIGBI have raised over £100,000 to support the project. The Christmas Tree festival was successfully featured throughout Bridgend and though we didn’t win, the Meru theme caught the eye of many, including our MP Madeline Moon.  

Anti-Trafficking Survey

Anti-Trafficking Survey

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This month members of SI Bridgend joined Soroptimists from across the UK to take part in the UK Programme Action Committee (UKPAC) survey on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking. Members completed the questionnaires themselves and also handed them out to family and friends, as well as distributing them widely to organisations including WI, Girlguiding Cymru, Girlguiding Central Glamorgan and young people in schools across the Bridgend Borough. Questionnaires were then collated and returned to UKPAC. Initial findings from the survey will be presented at the SIGBI 2018 Conference in Cardiff and will be posted on the SIGBI website. This information will be used to inform future Soroptimist projects on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

First Prize for Service Project

First Prize for Service Project

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There was great excitement when SI Bridgend were awarded first prize for this year’s SI Wales South Regional Programme Action Award. The Award recognises the work undertaken by the Club on the project with Barnardos in the family centre at Parc Prison. The certificate was presented to Club members by Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Education, Kirsty Williams AM. Club Programme Action Officer, Carys Brown, accepted the Award and explained that the project had evolved out of an initial reading project with children of those in Parc Prison. It had extended to the Literacy Competition and we were awaiting the results of this 2017 competition. Carys said that we were looking forward to extending our involvement with Barnardos and looking at ways we could support them in the Family Centre at Parc Prison. First prize for PA Award for SI Bridgend. Congratulations to all involve

Soroptimist Sisters – President 2

Soroptimist Sisters – President 2


Bridgend Soroptimists’ 70th anniversary year with a difference continues with the second of our three Presidents! President Frances Rees handed over the chain of office to Lily Laesser for her to start her 4 months as the Club’s President. As this is a special year for the Club, three of our long-serving members are sharing the Presidential chain. Lily, who was Club President in 2004-2005 is picking up the “Present” part of our “Past, Present and Future” theme and has an exciting programme planned, including the SIGBI Conference in Cardiff. We thank Frances for her service to the Club and wish Lily well for this next few months.

Thank-you from Save the Children

Thank-you from Save the Children

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Bridgend members were delighted to receive this ‘Thank You’ certificate from Anglesey ‘Save the Children’ for all the handbags, ties, scarves and belts donated by members and friends. The items were for sale on the Save the Children stand at the National Eisteddfod held this year on Angelsey. A hugely successful endeavour, they have raised £4500 and as money is still coming in they hope to reach £5000! A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated items.

Supporting with Sunshine and Smiles

Supporting with Sunshine and Smiles

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Once again members of the Bridgend Soroptimists joined the South Wales Branch of the English-Speaking Union for their annual summer garden party at Fonmon Castle. With rain a-plenty before and after the festivities, guests had every reason to bask in the beautiful castle gardens. The Soroptimists Tombola stall, filled with many enticing presents, drew many visitors, as well as the raffle, organised by Soroptimist and ESU member Anne Morgan. Funds raised will go towards the Clubs varied charity commitments. Another very successful and enjoyable event, with guests leaving in the knowledge that the proceeds from the event would be committed to the branch’s charitable activities, in particular, the promotion of public speaking with local primary and secondary schoolchildren.