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Practical Support for Victims of Domestic Abuse

Practical Support for Victims of Domestic Abuse

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At the Club meeting last week, we were joined by Rebecca Stones, Project Manager for Llamau Bridgend and Merthyr. Rebecca gave a general overview of Llamau’s work with victims of domestic abuse and extended her grateful thanks for our support both financially and, of course, with the gift bags, pamper bags and selection boxes at Christmas. Club members have also donated clothes, shoes and bags for the ladies in the refuge. Rebecca was also keen to explore other ways in which members could offer hands-on support and a discussion ensued outlining the areas in which we could help. This included providing craft and chat sessions, confidence building and interviews skills, as well as many other areas. Rebecca will now ask her clients which activities  would interest them and will come back to us to take this project forward. SI Bridgend has supported Domestic Violence services

Collaboration, Friendship and Support

Collaboration, Friendship and Support

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President Gaynor and members of SI Bridgend supported Cruse Bereavement Support, Morgannwg on International Women’s Day at a lunch hosted by SI Neath. This is the third event in the collaboration between SI Neath, SI Swansea, SI Port Talbot and SI Bridgend to support this worthwhile charity. The guest speaker was Sue Poole and members enjoyed food and fellowship, whilst raising funds for the charity which offers grief counselling to children. President Gaynor was delighted that Bridgend members are continuing to participate in this joint venture. She said, “It is a very worthwhile charity and an excellent way to encourage collaboration and friendship between the clubs.”

Soroptimists in Wales Taking Action

Soroptimists in Wales Taking Action

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Today is International Women’s Day. On this special day, Soroptimists are celebrating women’s achievements and raising awareness against gender bias. They are also taking action for equality and making a positive difference for women. Many of our Bridgend Soroptimists attended a high profile virtual event at the Senedd in Cardiff focusing on Soroptimists in Wales Taking Action. It was good to welcome Joyce Watson MS and Hannah Blythyn MS to the event and to acknowledge their support of the action Soroptimists are taking across Wales. We also heard about some of the projects we are involved in to tackle domestic violence and modern day slavery, as well as how micro-finance is empowering women to rebuild their lives. We look forward to opportunities to raise our profile at future events like this and to continuing our work to support the lives of women and girls everywhere.

International Greetings on St David’s Day

International Greetings on St David’s Day

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Bridgend Soroptimists were delighted to receive St David’s Day greetings from two of our Friendship Link Clubs – SI Courtenay in Western Canada and SI Williamsburg in Virginia, USA. Margaret Wootton from SI Courtenay sent greetings for happy celebrations and a world safer from Covid. She also included this screen shot of their club members at their zoom meeting. Margaret had suggested members of her club might like to bring something Welsh to show.  Barbara, a member who we met on our joint Zoom meeting in December 2020 and whose late husband was from Wales, is holding a Welsh Lamp and another member, Karen, is wearing her Welsh shirt with red dragon that she bought on a trip to Wales. Margaret herself is wearing a Canadian Cancer Society daffodil pin and a harp necklace, as well as the daffodil brooch that she received from SI

Supporting Ukraine

Supporting Ukraine

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SI Bridgend joins with SIGBI in recognising the distress of all women and girls in Ukraine. We wish to express our sympathy and our hope that the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 will be put into play by the UN. Read the full SIGBI statement at Bridgend Soroptimists have also been supporting the people of Ukraine initially through the humanitarian aid convoys, collecting toiletries, clothing, blankets and other essential items for onward distribution to people in Ukraine. As a club, SI Bridgend has also donated £500 through the Disaster Emergency Committee which is co-ordinating financial assistance to ensure the right provision of goods and services reaches those who need it as quickly as possible. This donation was increased to £750 by a generous donation from Immediate Past President  Sharon’s son, Liam’s company. Further funds are being raised by selling  yellow and blue sunflowers and hearts

Support from Local Councillor

Support from Local Councillor

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Bridgend Soroptimists had a very informative talk from Tom Gifford MS, a Member of the Senedd for South West Wales and a Bridgend Councillor. Members found him to be passionate and committed to being able to make a positive difference. Mr Gifford has given up his salary as a Bridgend Councillor to set up a Community Action Fund to support local charities and organisations. He very kindly donated £250 to support Bridgend Soroptimist Charities – a gesture that was very much appreciated. He has also offered assistance on any issues in the future, including tree planting.

A Lasting Memory in Nepal for Carys

A Lasting Memory in Nepal for Carys

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Today a beautiful Kingfisher mosaic was sited at the fledgling “Dhanushadham Bird Park” in memory of Carys Brown, a much-loved member of SI Bridgend. The glass mosaic of a White-Throated Kingfisher was made by Philip Holmes, CEO of Pipal Tree, in his studio in Devon.   Philip explains, “One of the projects being led by Pipal Tree involves creating the “Dhanushadham Bird Park” in south east Nepal by reforesting a barren public space in a village area. The concept has been embraced by all stakeholders, attracting a lot of curiosity. That curiosity was heightened today when I sited the first mosaic (hopefully in time, one of twelve!) These will add to the visitor experience for folk who want to enjoy a walk in the park (once mature) and look at birds both feathered and in mosaic. The mosaics also acknowledge the support of our donors.

Supporting Young Carers

Supporting Young Carers

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Over the years, Bridgend Soroptimists have supported Young Carers in Bridgend and was keen to renew the link and find out more. We welcomed Victoria Bailey of Young Carers as a speaker at our zoom meeting on 9th February. Victoria outlined the work that the organisation does with young carers in the Bridgend area – explaining that many children from as young as 7 years of age find themselves having to care for siblings or parents whilst still going to school. The session generated a great deal of discussion about ways in which we could help and a small donation has kick-started our renewed contact.

Staying Connected!

Staying Connected!

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Bridgend Soroptimists enjoyed their annual New Year dinner at the Heronston Hotel on 26 January. In spite of the reduced numbers this year, a great time was safely had by all. Good food, good company, and good fun – it was so nice to be able to spend time together!  Everyone is looking forward to more face-to-face events during 2022. Staying connected!!

Opening Doors to a Bright Future

Opening Doors to a Bright Future

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On 8th December, Bridgend Soroptimists celebrated International Night on zoom. Leslie D., Cecilia, Rayner and Joyce gave an interesting insight into the differing Christmas customs/traditions past and present within the four nations of the United Kingdom. We were also joined by Soroptimist friends from across the UK, as well as some of our Friendship Link clubs. Donations for the evening were sent on to the International President’s Appeal – Opening Doors to a Bright Future. The appeal, spear-headed by SI President-Elect Maureen Maguire, who takes up her role as President in January 2022, unites Soroptimists, Clubs and Unions across all five Federations. It aims to deliver tangible benefits to some of the world’s most marginalised women, girls, and their communities,  cementing the Soroptimist belief and commitment to Education. Find out more at