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Great news from the Learning in Lima Project

This Summer Soroptimists received a welcome visitor from Lima.  Sylva Von Bomsdorff brought with her many photos and news of the progress of the latest project for a library at the School we have been supporting in Lima, Peru. This has been made possible by extending upwards on the original roof/play area. Work was well underway when we saw her and Sylva was presented with a cheque by SI Bristol to assist in the purchase of books and other educational items for the pupils at Padre Pio de Pietricina.Library in Lima

This month we heard that the work was completed and the children had been present when a blessing was given to the School library by the local Priest.  Fitting out with bookshelves continues and the room is also capable of using modern technology for the benefit of the teachers and their pupils. This is an important extra as the concept of a lending library is new to these children and dual use of the library should encourage the youngsters to take a book home to read when they leave.