On October 10, Professor Ronald Hutton gave a talk at the supper meeting. Professor Hutton is Deputy Dean of the Arts faculty at the University of Bristol, Commissioner for the Heritage Society and Chair of its Committee for the award of Blue Plaques, as well as Vice President for Life of the Sealed Knot Society. He has written 16 books on Early Modern Britain and Pagan Myths and Legends.
He is an inspiring and very well informed speaker and gave us insights into the origins and traditions of Halloween, and discussed the facts, theories and mystiques which have been the subject of academic research and debate between prominent historians over many years. The traditions of Halloween go back to early Celtic Britain and to the ceremonies for celebrating the Dead at the beginning of the winter season.
The idea of Trick and Treat comes from America but many other cultures celebrate past ancestors as winter comes and the sun is no longer warming the soil. Professor Hutton finished the evening by answering questions, and all present were left with a deeper awareness and understanding of the meanings and feelings evoked at Halloween time.