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Caring in Bristol and our Christmas Party

On 4th December, 2017, we enjoyed our Christmas. After a delicious meal, our gratitude of the kitchen staff at the Golf Club was shown. This was followed by two activities: one a quiz to work out the associated place name from a clue and the other to identify people from photos posted around the room.

Money was collected for Caring in Bristol, a charity that strives to create a society where everyone has a home, has hope, and is part of their community. They deliver projects around homelessness that include the 365 Shelter, Caring at Christmas, Bristol Nightstop, and the Survival Handbook publication.

The evening concluded with carols sung by The Owls of Pill. We were encouraged to sing along and we proved to be in fine voice. The Owls are a group of all-male singers, garbed in Dickensian costumes. They took a collection from us and also received a donation for the SIB club. The money they raise primarily benefits the Guide Dogs for the Blind, the National Eye Research Centre in Bristol, and the Jessie May Trust.