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The SIGBI Day of Action: Litter Pick on  Durdham Downs 18th July 2020

The SIGBI Day of Action: Litter Pick on  Durdham Downs 18th July 2020


The theme for this day was originally Climate Change, but with the situation we have been in since the beginning of the year, the theme is now #SoroptimistsConnect. We were asked how we are you connecting with each other and with your local community during lockdown? Also to use this opportunity to let the world know what we are doing to help during the pandemic, using  the hashtag #SoroptimistsConnect.  Of course Ivete has already done this on Facebook and Twitter Since Lockdown we have been connecting with each other on a regular basis.  This includes our Zoom meetings (Club and Committees) talking on the telephone for those unable to connect to Zoom, social distancing in members gardens and joining  Marion on her fundraising walking challenge “100 miles for 100 years”. To mark the Day of Action,  ten of our members (Yvonne, Marion, Sue P, Liz

Teddy Bears lead the way and go to Children at Southmead Hospital

Teddy Bears lead the way and go to Children at Southmead Hospital


In advance of our Teddy Bear’s Picnic these teddys lead the way. As part of our centenary celebrations and in support of Covid-19 patients a collection of  Teddy Bears was handed over to staff at Southmead Hospital who were delighted to ‘adopt’ them. We hope it will go some way towards bringing a smile to children being looked after at the hospital.  Watch this space as more teddys are handed over.

Six Budding Authors wrote a story for SIGBI’s “The Big Story Challenge”

Six Budding Authors wrote a story for SIGBI’s “The Big Story Challenge”


These six members of SI Bristol each wrote a story for SIGBI’s “The Big Story Challenge”. This was in support of SIGBI’s project ‘Empowering Girls is Nepal’.  Collectively, they donated £200, which together with Gift Aid and matched funding amounted to £450. Well done ladies.  We received nice ‘thank you’ messages for Daphne Dowsing on behalf of the SW&CI Region and Philip Holmes the Founder of ChoraChroi.

Knitting and Sewing during Lockdown

Knitting and Sewing during Lockdown


Nurses at Bristol Royal Infirmary launched a ‘Heart to Heart’ campaign to connect families with their loved ones who are unable to be together due Coronavirus restrictions.    Club members have taken up the challenge of knitting these hearts in addition to making teddy bears, draw string bags for scrubs, theatre hats, and tubes to help hold intravenous needles in premature babies.  St Monica Trust has also welcomed some of the many scrub bags we have made.  We will continue to help provide more items as they are needed.  

SI Bristol’s Centenary Quilt: An imaginative use for “upcycled “ materials.

SI Bristol’s Centenary Quilt: An imaginative use for “upcycled “ materials.


As part of the activities to celebrate the forthcoming Centenary year of SI Bristol , a small group of interested members decided to design and make a quilt using “ upcycled “ materials.   Vice President ( now President) Marion sourced unwanted upholstery material from a variety of outlets in the city for free ( they are simply thrown away at the end of each season to make way for new stock. The group discussed the purpose, size, design and colours, being mindful that some of the group were not familiar with quilting techniques, or experienced with a sewing machine.  We agreed on a simple log cabin design which could be machine or hand sewed and provided a pattern to ensure uniform sizing of each block. The sashing is made from an unwanted tablecloth and beautiful glass buttons were donated for embellishment.  The backing is

International Women’s Day 7th March 2020 (Actual Day 8th)

International Women’s Day 7th March 2020 (Actual Day 8th)


On Saturday 7th March we joined many other women at Bristol City Hall, organised by Bristol Women’s Voice, and showcased our work over the years.  We showed the work we have done supporting women and girls locally, nationally and internationally.  It was a huge success and many people visited our “stall” and were interested in what we do.  

Christmas Presents for Unseen 2019

Christmas Presents for Unseen 2019


  Unseen’s specialised care is the first step in the fight against slavery. Through supporting survivors, their provision gives them a safe place to recover from trauma and rebuild their lives.  We have supported Unseen for a number of years including Christmas Presents for those in the Safe Houses. Two groups of four Soroptimists, organised by Yvonne , spent a few very convivial hours wrapping up individual Christmas presents and the boxes to house them in.  They said “we had such fun together making these presents look pretty and inviting”.  The presents were donations from SI Bristol members and fulfilled a pre-determined list of items from Unseen for 8 women and 5 men currently being cared for at Unseen’s safe houses.

Backpacks for Mary’s Meals November 2019

Backpacks for Mary’s Meals November 2019


Once again we collected items for backpacks for girls and for boys and we were able to fill 15 packs in total!  Three sacks contained 5 completed backpacks each and a fourth sack was full up with “extras”: Pens, pencils, other stationery, children’s t-shirts and some large flip-flops.   Each of the completed backpack contains: Notepad, pencils, pens, crayons, eraser, ruler, sharpener, pencil case, towel, shorts or skirt, t-shirt or dress, flip-flops or sandals, small ball, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and spoon. The sacks go to a collection point in Glasgow (free pick up from a delivery company) where they are sorted and despatched to various destinations in Africa, Asia etc. where there is a need. Schools and children in these places all lack the basic items needed for an education.  Each backpack is labelled for a boy or girl and with an age range. SI

RAILING AGAINST ABUSE – Swindon, 23 November 2019.

RAILING AGAINST ABUSE – Swindon, 23 November 2019.


The weather might have been damp, but it did not dampen Soroptimist Bristol’s spirit at the Railing Against Abuse event.  We have supported this event for many years and this year we travelled to Swindon. The Bristol club joined several other clubs from the South West and Channel Island Region.  We met outside Swindon’s Railway Station for a walk led by Tara Arkle (writer and activist) through the centre of Swindon to demonstrate against all forms of violence against women and girls and we handed out Healthy Relationship bookmarks on the way. These were very well received and we engaged with many members of the public during the walk.

North West Food Bank

North West Food Bank


Monday 25th November at our Club Meeting we had an interesting talk from Emma Murray the manager for Bristol North West Foodbank. Emma spoke about the wonderful work the Foodbank carries out for people who need support in the community and how the system of referral works. She also spoke about how they are expanding the services to a Homebank service which includes the provision of white goods, kitchen utensils, blankets, towels and various other goods for those who have nothing or very little. By March 2011 they had given out 33980 “support packages”.  The need is increasing year on year for example there was a 28% increase last year and 24% increase this year.  Food is donated, sorted, packed and distributed from 4 pickup points.  Clients arrive with a referral letter from one of the 180 referral agencies that the food bank works with.