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Speaker Meeting 12th June 2023: Amy Wade from Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust

Speaker Meeting 12th June 2023: Amy Wade from Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust


  At our Speaker Meeting last night, we had a talk by Amy Wade from Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust.    The Trust encourages and provides opportunities for volunteering to help with monitoring rivers and taking action to prevent their further degradation among other things.   She began by illustrating the problems involved and then provided ideas for ways we could help including citizens’ science projects, joining the Riverblitz project between the 7th and 14th July and putting political pressure on our MPs by writing letters. Also our warmest congratulations to Anne, our longest serving member who was presented at the meeting with a Certificate for 55 Years of service as a Soroptimist. We were also delighted to be joined by three visitors who are considering joining our club

‘TheBigHelpOut’: SI Bristol make Therapeutic Teddies – Update 28th June 2023

‘TheBigHelpOut’: SI Bristol make Therapeutic Teddies – Update 28th June 2023


Update 28th June 2023 On 16th June, three ‘families’ of therapeutic teddies  were handed over to Cherry (a participant at the Bristol Women’s Voice event at City Hall) who will use them to help her to counsel distressed children from mixed marriages.     Three ‘families’ of therapeutic teddies were made by Lizzie, Marion and a couple of friends of Marion.       Each teddy family consisted of two large teddies and two small ones. The yarn used for each head was a different colour to represent members of a mixed-race family. The teddies were donated to a therapist. The ‘families’ of teddies will be used by the Therapist in her work with children (in schools and in private therapy sessions) to help them explore their internal relationships with siblings and family members, especially those from mixed-race marriages. Such therapy can help to uncover unconscious

International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day 2023


  SI Bristol again and many other organisations joined Bristol Women’s Voice organised an event in Bristol City Hall on Saturday 11th March to celebrate International Women’s.   There was considerable interest in our Soroptimist display – especially regarding what the name actually meant!  An event which allowed us to network with the other organisations.  

A Visit to: Wessex Water’s Sewage Treatment Works Weston-super-Mare.

A Visit to: Wessex Water’s Sewage Treatment Works Weston-super-Mare.


    A visit to Wessex Water’s sewage treatment works site at Weston-super-Mare. The 22nd of March was World Water Day and it is therefore an appropriate time to talk about the visit our club made to Weston-super-Mare yesterday. Water pollution is one of our club’s Programme Action projects, focusing on sustainable goals SG6 (clean water & sanitation), SG3 (good health and well-being), SG4 (education) and SG5 (gender equality). So on Tuesday 21st March 2023 seven members of Soroptimist Bristol were expertly guided by Sue Goodland around Wessex Water’s sewage treatment works site at Weston-super-Mare. This visit was part one of two, with Avonmouth’s treatment visit planned for June this year, We learned what happens on the journey of our waste through several natural processes, resulting in clear and clean enough water to be returned to the environment, and the recycling of the by-products of

Railing Against Abuse 25th November 2022

Railing Against Abuse 25th November 2022


On Friday 25th November SI Weston-super-Mare yet again organised the “Railing Against Abuse” event to raise awareness and support the United Nations (UN) Day for “the Elimination of Violence Against Women”.   Seven members from SI Bristol and Soroptimists from throughout the southwest (Bath, Bristol, Plymouth, St Austell and Tiverton) travelled by train (“railing”) to join this annual event. Most wore distinctive orange clothing because that is the colour designated by the UN for that day. The group walked in an orderly fashion from the train station to Grove Park. Many carried banners highlighting abuse against women. As they walked, they handed out “Loves me /Loves me not” bookmarks to members of the public. This publicity material pointed out in clear and simple terms the difference between a good relationship and a bad one. The group included other interested people and there were over seventy

International Women’s Day 8th March 2022

International Women’s Day 8th March 2022


  Soroptimist International of Bristol mark International Women’s Day with postings on social media in advance and on the day. This included a special video to mark the occasion  #BreakTheBias         Across the world thousands of Soroptimists will mark International Women’s Day with hundreds of activities and events on and around 8th March.  In some countries just gathering puts women’s lives at risk. Events highlight the economic, political and social achievements of women, and raise awareness of work still to be done to build a better world for women and girls so. To view the video click “Video (2)” below. Video (2)

What Have We Done as 2021 Closes? We Now Look Forward to 2022

What Have We Done as 2021 Closes? We Now Look Forward to 2022


Orange the World: Railing Against Abuse Yet again we Oranged the World starting at our Club Meeting on November 22nd saying “no” to Abuse.  Then on Thursday 25th November we joined a Regional “Railing Against Abuse” march organised by Soroptimist Weston-super-Mare in Weston and a group of Bristol club members also met at the Clifton Rocks Railway in Bristol (built in the 1800’s), tied orange ribbons on the gate to saying “No to violence against women”. For the “16 Days of Activism” we posted on social media and then finally on the 10th December we held a Zoom meeting inviting our Friendship Links and had a speaker from Save the Children.  A fitting way to end our 16 days of Activism Saturday 27th November St Peter’s Hospice Fundraiser:  Our Charity of the Year Our Soroptimist Bristol team had a stall in a Gift & Craft Fair in

100 years of Soroptimism in Bristol: SI Bristol Celebrate the planting an English Oak

100 years of Soroptimism in Bristol: SI Bristol Celebrate the planting an English Oak


  On 5th October 2021, Soroptimist International of Bristol were delighted to celebrate the planting of an English Oak tree donated to our Club to commemorate our Centenary and part of The Queen’s Green Canopy for her platinum jubilee.  This was a delayed celebration due to the Covid pandemic.       An Oak tree was chosen specifically because of its long life representing the long life of Soroptimism and the support it offers to others.  The tree was planted at Muller Road Recreational Ground in Bristol through Bristol City Council’s tree planting program. Our Club’s Centenary was in 2020, but due to the pandemic we were unable to meet as a group to see the tree and the commemorative plaque.   Club members present were President Sue, Past President Marion (in whose year the tree was planted), Ivete, Pauline, Lizzie, Yvonne, Liz and Lynda. 

St Peter’s Hospice Midnight Walk Fundraiser: Thank you Yvonne, Liz N and Sally

St Peter’s Hospice Midnight Walk Fundraiser: Thank you Yvonne, Liz N and Sally


On 11th September Yvonne, Liz N and Sally represented SI Bristol on the St Peter’s Hospice Midnight Walk.  They had an enjoyable time and were up bright and early the next day for our 100 years celebratory tea.   Donations are still coming in and so please let us know if you’d like to make a donation.