Railing Against Abuse
On Sunday 25th November, seven members from SI Bristol and Soroptimists from throughout the southwest joined the SI Weston-super-Mare Club in their initiative to raise awareness and support the United Nations annual “Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women”. Soroptomists travelled by train (hence “railing”) to Western-super-Mare station to join members of the local Club. Most were adorned in distinctive orange clothing (including wigs) because that is the colour designated by the UN for that day. The group walked in an orderly fashion from the station, via the sea front, shopping precinct and park, to the Commemorative Garden. Many carried banners highlighting abuse against women (again hence “railing”). During the walk, “Loves me /Loves me not” bookmarks were enthusiastically given to members of the public. This publicity material has been carefully produced to define in clear and simple terms the difference between a good