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June 13th 2016 Hearing from our Charity of the Year – Off The Record

June 13th 2016 Hearing from our Charity of the Year – Off The Record


On the evening of 13th June SI Bristol’s focus was firmly on the President’s Charity of the Year – Off The Record (OTR). We were warmly greeted by Simon Newitt CEO who informed us that last year OTR celebrated their 50th Anniversary, having started in Bristol in November 1965. They formed initially as part of the Youth Club Association and were entirely run by volunteers, focusing on marriage counselling. How times have changed! OTR’s current mission is to support, promote and defend the mental health rights and social position of young people. Simon told us how the social element of their work is essential, since stresses for young people are often related to their identity which can only be resolved by openly talking about how young people fit into society, alongside empowering them to develop their own voice. Anxiety is the most prevalent condition in

May 9th 2016 The How and Why of Fashion – by Jonquil Brooks

May 9th 2016 The How and Why of Fashion – by Jonquil Brooks


When the next special social invitation arrives, a quick browse through Jonquil’s historic Fashions may be just what is required for inspiration. Fashion Historian and lecturer Jonquil Brooks recently treated Soroptimists to a very interesting talk and display of beautiful clothes dating from the late 19th Century to more recent times. Very early outfits came in several pieces with intricate fastenings which would definitely have required your maid’s assistance, but moving into the 1900’s both the fit and the fabric became softer and floaty allowing women to actually and work as times changed. Jonquil also displayed a typical ‘power’ suit with padded shoulders and brighter colours – as worn by herself to impress in business. She also showed much simpler War-time pattern Magazines which enabled working women to maintain their wardrobes using whatever fabric was available – definitely early re-cycling opportunities. With much more flexible dress