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President Susie’s last newsletter

 I find it hard to believe that this is my last President’s newsletter. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing them and will take pleasure from reading them in the future as they give a chronological story of my year in office.


On October 3rd, I attended the Regional Event at St Crux Hall in York organised by our Membership Officers Avis Ball and Judith Parsons. This event was arranged to raise the profile of Soroptimism in York with a view chartering a new club in the city in the future. Jane Glendinning created wonderful placards for the event. They described who we are and what we do such as, support women and girls, educate, empower and enable to make a difference. We were blessed with fabulous weather and over two dozen Soroptimists from eleven of our clubs volunteered to serve coffee and cakes (beautifully home baked!) and to chat to customers about our organisation and its ethos. After a quiet start we actually had good attendance and the vast majority of people seemed genuinely interested in our organisation.


Through the hard work of our membership officers, contact was made with the Lord Mayor’s Office and we were delighted that Councillor Margaret Wells was able to join us. She is a delightful, approachable passionate lady to whom we chatted for an hour and a half. She had several useful suggestions to help to increase our profile in the city and to network with organisations who share our ideals. I feel this is an exciting development and our membership officers will keep you informed about any progress.


On the 5th I chaired the first part of the Officers’ meeting before handing over to one of our President Elects, Judith Clark. She presided over the rest of the morning as the majority of the business discussed will be relevant after I leave office. I must just say that I have been very fortunate to have such an amazing team of dedicated Officers during the last twelve months.


We were delighted that a new member from S I Garforth Elmett was a silent observer at the Officers’ meeting and she was then joined by other new regional members for a buffet lunch. I really enjoyed talking to them and it will be lovely to meet them again at a Regional event or if I attend one of their club events in the future.


The following day my husband and I attended SI Hallamshire’s Charter Lunch which was delicious. It was a lovely informal event and great to be able to chat to everyone there. It was a privilege to present a Long Service Award to Anthea Priestley who has been a Soroptimist for an incredible 45 years. Another Club member Jean Dickson will be honoured separately with her Award for 40 years of service and she was unable to attend the lunch.


On the 12TH I was able to attend SI Harrogate and District’s 91st Charter Lunch. It was a delightful event and I was seated with President Christine and fellow Guest Dr Ruth Smith, High Sheriff of North Yorkshire, whom I had previously met on the evening of International Women’s Day. In March I had the privilege of attending Harrogate and District’s Young Woman and Woman in the Community Awards along with Ruth and SIGBI President Ruth Healey. The entertainment was provided by Grace Hughes who had won the Young Woman in the Community Award. Grace’s ability on the violin was unbelievable.


The Scarborough 85th Charter Lunch on October 19th was my last official event other than the Change of Insignia Ceremony at Conference. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and guests were in attendance from half of the Region’s clubs. A delicious meal was followed by entertainment from the Blow-inns, an acoustic folk duo. The sound of the Celtic harp was beautiful. It was a pleasure for me to relate to the guests, the amazing Programme Action projects that have been undertaken by the Club since 1939. My husband Jonathan and I actually had two fabulous journeys along the A64 – definitely a first-time experience!


Those of you who attended the RCM will be aware that Comms officer Terry King videoed herself in conversation with Yorkshire Presidents past and present.

Below is the link to the brief conversations with myself and Past President Angela Edwards and IPP Jane Glendinning. Please take the opportunity to look at them and see what an honour and positive experience it is to be the figurehead for S I Yorkshire.



Well, I think that I have relayed all my news as my year in office draws to a close, except that I hope to pop in to the Chocolate Evening held by Garforth Elmett on the 28th, in aid of Leeds Children’s Charities.


Today I have just been reading the statement issued by Soroptimist International ahead of CSW69 (Commission on the Status of Women) which will take place on the 10-21 March 2025. It is a timely reminder of the gender injustices that still exist in the world and why as Soroptimists we must continue advocating for equality education and enabling opportunities for women and girls. Please take the time to access this declaration on The Hub – it is a timely reminder of why I joined and remain a member of this extraordinary organisation.


Finally, I would like to thank each one of you for your friendship and good wishes during the last twelve months. It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life to have been the figurehead for this wonderful Region. The affection and support that I have received has been truly humbling. Thank you. I look forward to seeing many of you at Conference and to the exciting year ahead with our two new Presidents Sue and Judith.




In Friendship


President Susie