Be bold and mind the gap! Thank you all for the opportunity you have given me this year as President of Midland Chase Region during which I want to focus on the UN’s sustainable development goals 16 (Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions) and 17 (Sustainable Development Through Global Partnerships).
My theme for this Presidential Year is Be bold and mind the gap.
In 2020-21 let us all ‘BE BOLD’ and raise our profile locally and nationally as advocates and actors on behalf of women and girls; through membership, lobbying, advocacy and most importantly, action – despite the restrictions placed on us by Covid-19.
Under the banner ‘MIND THE GAP’ I also want to focus on and expand our excellent work in helping bridge the societal gaps which perpetuate social isolation and create a lack of genuine inclusion for some individuals and groups.
We all know of pockets of isolation, poverty and homelessness which we see and attack with typical SI zeal. Each Club is unique in its approach and all their approaches work. We will get the biggest return for our efforts, and make the most real impact, if we collaborate and work together wherever we can. For example, our work as Court Observers in Specialist Domestic Violence Courts is innovative and surely will improve that institution.
During the present crisis we have been furiously making hospital scrubs, protective masks and bags for all who need them. I suspect never have so many SI stitches been sewn to assist our frontline workers.
We are also bringing SI company and friendship to some in our communities who are alone. That includes caring for our own members sometimes too.
I value every member’s views and hope that I can zoom in to Club meetings if you’ll have me, as I will learn much more by listening than talking!
Thank you once again for this opportunity and I look forward to working with you all.
In friendship, Margaret