The speaker meeting was held on the 24th July 2017 at the newly refurbished Castle Hotel, Neath.
Rebecca Chick, from Ty Hafan, kindly gave up her evening to come and talk to us about the work they do at Ty Hafan.
She explained that the running costs of the charity exceeds £10,500 a day! A staggering amount of money for a charity with no guaranteed government funding. Every year, Ty Hafan need to raise £4 million pounds to provide its free services to families in Wales.
Her talk was extremely poignant and it brought a lump to everyone’s throat. Her stories highlighted the importance of funding for the charity and most importantly served as a reminder of the invaluable work they do to assist children and families through some of the darkest times.
Their vision
“To see a Wales where children who are expected to die in childhood live a full family life.”
Their mission
“To offer a high standard of free care and support to the families of children in Wales who are expected to die in childhood.”
Tŷ Hafan is one of the UK’s leading paediatric palliative care charities and offers care to children and support for their families, throughout Wales.
They have supported nearly 600 children since they opened in 1999.
If you think that means they simply provide a place where children can come to die, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Ty Hafan offer comfort, care and support to life-limited children, young people and their families in the hospice, in the community and in their home so they can make the most of the time they have left together.
They allow parents and carers to relax and recharge their batteries. And they make sure the needs of brothers and sisters are never forgotten.