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Soroptimist International - Scotland South

Soroptimist International of Scotland South is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Welcome to the website of SI Scotland South Region!

Find out who we are in Scotland South!

Find out more about Who We Are in Scotland South!

Our Office Bearers and Representatives

To find out who our Office Bearers and Representatives are click here.

Who We Are in Scotland South Region is explained by the work that we do.  The photos which appear on this page show some examples of what we do and are normally changed weekly.

Most photos shown are taken at Club and Region events.  A small number of the photos displayed will have been taken at international events.

People SDG 1
SI Falkirk members with 60 gifts they donated & wrapped for young care leavers, 15 12 2023.

This Week’s photo:

The photo shown above shows SI Falkirk members with 60 gifts they donated and wrapped for young care leavers,  15 12 2023.

To learn more about SI Falkirk click here.

To learn more about what we do click here.


18 06 2024 Congratulations to SI Hamilton Programme Action Officer Gwen who has become a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire  (BEM), King’s Birthday Honours List, 14 June 2024.  To learn more about Gwen’s honour click here.

Who we are in Scotland South:

Soroptimist International of Scotland South region (SI SS R)

 SI Scotland South Region is one of the two Scottish Regions within Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Ltd. To find out more about SIGBI click here.  SIGBI is one of the five Federations within Soroptimist International (SI).  To find out more about SI click here.

The 22nd SI Convention was held on 27-29 July, 2023;  to view news and photos from the Convention click here.

The two Regions in Scotland are Scotland North and Scotland South.

Special Consultative Status at the UN

SIGBI was granted Special Consultative Status by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.  This award was notified on 14 08 2013.  To find out more click here.

What is the meaning of the word Soroptimist you may ask?

The word Soroptimist is a combination of the Latin words “soror” meaning Sister and “optima” meaning best – so, we want the best for women.

 Vision:  Women and girls will achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong and peaceful communities worldwide.

Mission: Soroptimists transform the lives and status of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities.

The Principles of Soroptimism:

The principles of Soroptimism are to strive for:

  •  The advancement of the status of women;
  •  High ethical standards;
  •  Human rights for all;
  •  Equality, development and peace; and
  •  The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace.

Who we are in Scotland South:

Number of Clubs in Scotland South Region:

As from April 2022 there are 8 Clubs in Scotland South Region as follows: 

SI Dunfermline: to find out more about SI Dunfermline click here.

Facebook: To visit SI Dunfermline on Facebook click here.

Twitter: To visit SI Dunfermline on Twitter click here.

SI Edinburgh: To find out more about SI Edinburgh click here.

Facebook: To visit SI Edinburgh on Facebook click here.

SI Falkirk: To find out more about SI Falkirk click here.

Facebook: To visit SI Falkirk on Facebook click here.

SI Glasgow City: To find out more about SI Glasgow City click here.

Facebook: To visit SI Glasgow City on Facebook click here 

Twitter: To visit SI Glasgow City on Twitter click here.

SI Hamilton: To find out more about SI Hamilton click here.

Contact E mail address:

Facebook: To visit SI Hamilton on Facebook click here.

SI Kirkcaldy: To find out more about SI Kirkcaldy click here.

Facebook: To visit SI Kirkcaldy on Facebook click here

SI Kirkintilloch and District: To find out more about SI Kirkintilloch and District click here.

Facebook: To visit SI Kirkintilloch on Facebook click here.

SI Paisley: To find out more about SI Paisley click here.

Facebook: To visit SI Paisley on Facebook click here.

Proposed SSR Area Club 2019:


The new Club will be innovative in its format, made up of “Satellite Groups”. The small groups will meet independently at venues and times suited to the members.


The Area Club will be organised in a flexible way.  There will be some face to face meetings.  Members will also make use of available technologies for communication.

For Women in Rural Areas:

SSR Area Club 2019 is intended to attract women in rural areas and those who may find it inconvenient to attend a conventional Club.

Facebook:  facebook.SSRareaClub


To view the Dumfries & Galloway subpage (D&G) on this website click here.

To view the D & G Proposed New Area Club Website click here.

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