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Sevenoaks In Bloom June 2018

Sevenoaks In Bloom June 2018


Britain in Bloom Competition, South and South East of England Region  Call for help! As a club, we pledge to respond to the UN global sustainability development goals which include quality care for the environment. 8 members of the Sevenoaks Club responded to a call for help in tidying up the town garden on the Vine in readiness for judging. The club was founded 80 years ago as a service organisation and members willingly gave of their time completing gardening tasks further enhancing the colourful garden. A highlight of the garden is the Ribbon of Poppies in commemoration of WW1. The Mayor of Sevenoaks, Roddy Hogarth visited the Vine to thank the volunteers saying this.. “The Sevenoaks entry was given a huge boost by Sevenoaks Soroptimists. It was a pleasure to see them working alongside other volunteers. I am very grateful for their support” Judging took place

Girl Guiding and Brownies

Girl Guiding and Brownies


Earlier in the year the annual Quiz was held and the raffle monies raised went to the Edenbridge Brownies. President, Jill, presents a cheque to Terri Scanes, Division Secretary of Knole Division Girl Guiding to help fund their travel expenses to Leeds Castle. 

WaterAid Talk 8th May 2018

WaterAid Talk 8th May 2018


We were excited to have Speaker: Rachel Starling from Water Aid at our monthly meeting as this is our President Jills chosen International charity for the year. Rachel explained there was one vision, clean water for everyone, everywhere by 2030. Under this were three goals that covered, water, sanitation and hygiene. Rachel gave a very informative presentation explaining how these goals are put into action not as a top-down but a bottom-up strategy with the local community so they take ownership and so projects would be sustainable. One way to help apart from raising funds was lobbying our local MP on the importance of water-related issues. At the end of the talk, Sandie presented on President Jill’s behalf a cheque from the club for £2,000 for Water Aid raised from the proceeds of the Quiz night and Fashion show. Rachel thanked the club for this

Fashion Show April 2018

Fashion Show April 2018


A fabulous Fashion Show was held at St Julians Sevenoaks in partnership with La Manica and Design A Head of Sevenoaks to mark our 80th Anniversary and to raise awareness and funds for Water Aid, our President Jill’s chosen Charity. Everyone enjoyed the evening with beautiful music from accomplished Pianist Alex Metcalfe whilst canapes and refreshments were served. Donatella from La Manica compèred the show which included 11 models and 5 changes of outfits! With over 100 ladies attending we raised in excess of £1,000. Thanks go to Sandie Higgs and Penelope Robbins for organising the event and grateful thanks to all of the local businesses that contributed to make the evening a great success. Please do take a look at the event photos click here.

Presidents Lunch March 2018

Presidents Lunch March 2018


President Jill held the annual lunch at St Julians Sevenoaks which was attended by members past and present, Regional President Jane Webb and other dignitary guests. As we are celebrating our 80th year there was a display of club memorabilia, digital screening of past photos and events and club member Ann Hines made a delicious 80th celebration cake.

Sevenoaks Bookshop Suffragettes Event 6th March 2018

Sevenoaks Bookshop Suffragettes Event 6th March 2018


Group of SI Sevenoaks members organised by Isobel Groves met at Sevenoaks Book Shop to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Representation of People Act 1918 when women over 30 secured the vote. Members were dressed in Suffragette colours and the bookshop window was beautifully dressed too! Members were also raising awareness of International Women’s Day on March 8th 2018.

Rockdale Tea Party November 2017

Rockdale Tea Party November 2017


Tea Party was held for 60 Residents of Rockdale Care Home in Sevenoaks- all scrumptious scones and cakes made by our own lovely SI Sevenoaks ladies. Fab Poster designed by Marie our West Kent College design student. Richard Griffin former bodyguard to the Queen gave an interesting talk about his years with the Queen which the residents found most enjoyable. He also brought some fascinating memorabilia.

Australian SI Visitor October 2017

Australian SI Visitor October 2017


Grant of friendship visit of Jennifer Gaylard, Vice-President of SI Cobram Barooga Inc Australia proved to be very successful. President Jill hosted & took Jennifer our Australian visitor to various places including Hever Castle where they were joined by other SI Sevenoaks club members too. Jennifer Gaylard Australian SI visitor