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Social Events

09/06/24 Civic Service and Reception for Sheffield’s New Mayor

Attendance at the Cathedral Civil Service and Town Hall Reception for Janye Dunn the new Lord Mayor proved  both a significant and joyful occasion for some of our members.

08/06/24 Litter picking with Si Hallamshire.

Great fun when the intrepid few joined Si Hallamshire litter picking along the Porter Valley – one of the city’s beautiful walks

17/05/24 Wendy’s Coffee Morning

Those members who attended Wendy’s Coffee  Morning were delighted not only with the delicious cakes but also the new flat and it’s great outlook.
Many thanks Wendy

16/03/24 Charter Lunch

Our Charter Lunch took place at Tapton Hall.
A good time was had by all thanks to Chris N, Hilary, Angela, Chris L and Daphne who ensured everything went smoothly even after a late cancellation by the speaker.

25/02/24 Rhubarb Farm

Lynne and President Sue joined Sigbi members from eight other branches for an informative and fun visit to Wakefield’s Rhubarb Triangle at Jonathan and Sue Westwoods’ Rhubarb farm followed by  lunch at an Italian restaurant

19/01/24 Farah’s Curry Night

Farah’s very popular Annual Curry Night was, as usual a great success. Delicious food, good company and money raised a magnificent £931.30 for the women of Karachi.
Congratulations to Farah and her helpers

23/04/24 Meet the Presidents – Buffet Lunch

Si Sheffield and Si Hallamshire joined forces to greet Sigbi President Ruth, Si Yorkshire President Susie and Programme Director Lindsey.
Si Hallamshire displayed items that they make for Baby Basics supplemented with a display board of their projects. Si Sheffield President Sue introduced Laura (CEO) and Heather from MINS, who defined the charity’s aims and motivation.
Chris described Winn Gardens’ needs and the support given to it’s food bank.

10/02/24 Iffat’s Friendship Evening

Thanks and congratulations to Iffat for her Friendship Evening, described by a guest as magical. Everyone enjoyed a wide variety of her most delicious foods, the good company and interesting conversations..

Happy faces all round.

13/12/23 Christmas Supper

Congratulations to President Sue and Anne for organising such a successful Christmas Supper, including a quiz – more challenging than first expected.

Special thanks to Jackie for the pretty chocolate favours.

18/07/23 National Memorial Arboretum

Our summer outing this year was to the National Memorial Arboretum. A great day out, thanks to Morag who organised a full schedule which included periods for own choice activities; during one of which some of our hardier members made a dash through the drizzle to the Soroptimist’s Memorial.

An early start, we arrived in time for a welcome introduction before coffee and biscuits, attended the daily memorial service, toured the Arboretum on the land train, ate a delicious lunch and still had time for the galleries and shop before the journey home.

Thanks again to Morag – great work, and to Daphne for managing the day.

18/04/23 Mums In Need Coffee Morning

Mums in Need kindly invited our members to their coffee meeting which both President Daphne and President Elect Sue were delighted to attend.

SIGBI Sheffield contributed some raffle prizes.

14/02/23 Pub Lunch

We met at the Sportsman at Crosspool where everyone enjoyed the good company and food. A highlight was Jackie’s distribution of favours – a nod to Valentine’s day.

25/03/23 95th Charter Lunch

Our Charter Lunch at Tapton was well attended.

Pesident Daphne opened the proceedings with a welcome to  all guests (see below) and lit friendship candles,  Linda said grace prior to the efficent serving of an excellent meal. Sally acted as admirable toast master while everyone was inpired by Dame Julie Denny’s dymanic speech.

Thanks and congratulation to those who organised and catered for such a memorable event.

  • President, SI Yorkshire (Jane Glendinning)
  • Master Cutler (Dame Julie Kenny)
  • Lady Mayor
  • Lord Mayor (Sioned-Mair Richards)
  • President, SI Sheffield (Daphne)
  • Mistress Cutler.