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Prior Bank

Prior Bank House – A Residential Home for the Elderly

Prior Bank House on Cherrytree Road, Nether Edge, was opened as a Home for the Elderly on 27 June 1939 by Lady Stevenson and was strongly supported by the first Lady Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Mrs A E Longdon, a past President of Sheffield Soroptimists.

The house originally in beautiful grounds had been owned by several well-known families including John Cole of Cole Brothers (now John Lewis) and also Thomas Henry Firth, a local steel merchant.   In 1937 a public appeal was launched for the provision of a home for aged ladies of limited means.   A member of Sheffield Soroptimists, Miss Henrietta Fisher, donated a large sum for the purchase of the house.   Prior Bank was managed by a Committee consisting of members of Soroptimist International of Sheffield, Sheffield Inner Wheel, National Council of Women and the Women’s Electrical Association.

By the mid-1980’s, it was clear that major improvements were necessary to increase the number of residents from 14 to 32 and so that men, women and married couples could all be accommodated.   Anchor Housing Trust were approached and the Home was officially handed over for their ownership and management.   An extension wing of extra bedrooms, a conservatory and upgraded kitchen and bathroom and toilet facilities, re-carpeting and decorations were all undertaken to create the Home as it stands today.

In 1989, it was felt that in order to continue our support of this local important service Soroptimists, Inner Wheel members and National Council of Women members should start a support group to assist with entertainment activities, purchases for the Home and gifts for its residents.   As President at that time, Jackie Short formed the Committee and meetings are still continuing under her role as Chairman for the past 20 years – with the support of the Manager and Staff of the Home and with the full approval of Anchor Housing.   A list of over 100 people are contacted – many are ‘Friends of Prior Bank’ paying a subscription of £3.00 p.a. – and they are regularly invited to coffee mornings, fundraising events and other special occasions.   The Committee organise a Christmas Party, Easter treats, fundraising coffee mornings, etc and we are always made very welcome whenever we visit the Home.

Support of Prior Bank by Soroptimist members is seen as an important part of the Club’s Programme Action within our Soroptimist organisation. It is therefore imperative that we keep our interest in the Home – primarily for the benefit of the residents and staff – but also as a local and worthwhile service for the community.