Welcome to SI Sheffield
Si Sheffield, formed in 1928 is part of the Yorkshire Region Soroptimists.
To meet the society’s aims we are involved in several causes: supporting charities from local to international with donations, both cash and kind, publicity and active involvement. We also join campaigns for women’s protection and rights; currently these mainly come within the UN initiative for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. Members are also circulated with appropriate petitions.
Aims are achieved through running events aimed at fundraising, spreading awareness, encouragement; and interactions; each event having a designated target.
Social events are held regularly: monthly pub lunches, supper evenings (which include a speaker, fundraiser, or are just fun) and business meeting that can include celebrations, awards or updates from supported charities. Friendship occasions with other branches are organised throughout the year
This site uses colour coding to simplify the relationship between causes and events giving a narrative by either.