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Prior Bank

Prior Bank

Prior Bank House - A Residential Home for the Elderly Prior Bank House on Cherrytree Road, Nether Edge, was opened as a Home for the Elderly on 27 June 1939 by Lady Stevenson and was strongly supported by the first Lady Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Mrs A E Longdon, a past President of Sheffield Soroptimists. The house originally in beautiful grounds had been owned by several well-known families including John Cole of Cole Brothers (now John Lewis) and also Thomas Henry Firth, a local steel merchant.   In 1937 a public appeal was launched for the provision of a home for aged ladies of limited means.   A member of Sheffield Soroptimists, Miss Henrietta Fisher, donated a large sum for the purchase of the house.   Prior Bank was managed by a Committee consisting of members of Soroptimist International of Sheffield, Sheffield Inner Wheel, National Council of Women
Mums in Need

Mums in Need

The purpose of Mums In Need (MIN) is to support mothers who are or have been subjected to domestic emotional abuse and violence. Mums In Need provides practical guidance and emotional support to mums who have left abusive partners by empowering them with skills and confidence to move forward with their lives. Over the past few years, Mums In Need has supported over 200 women who have suffered from emotional/psychological abuse (also known as coercive control). Through running their support services, the need for national policy changes became strikingly apparent. Coercive control is now recognised as a crime and yet when victims leave the abusive relationship, they are often left unsupported. MIN carried out interviews with staff and the women who have used the support services. From this research, they have developed a set of policy recommendations which, if implemented, would drastically improve the support