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27/03/24 Eid Presents Delivery Thanks to Farah, Iffat, Ann and friends for organising Eid presents. 60 to Ashiana 16 to Winn Gardens. 17/12/23 Christmas Bags for 58 Families Ann, Eva and Gill undertook converting our members' Christmas donations; whether cash or kind, into gift parcels for 58 refugee families. More good work, well done. 20/02/24 Ashiana Refuge Zoom Talk Yasmin Ashlan, whose dedication shone through, explained the many causes of female abuse that Ashiana deal with when helping the sufferers. Apart from their Sheffield Refuge the charity supports and guides women through the difficulties;  e.g. language, cultural, legalities, etc; met in achieving a new lifestyle. The charity also works with countrywide partners on wide range of projects that not only support abused women but develop ways to prevent such occurrences. She quoted several moving case studies. We were left with a new understanding of the