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08/03/24 Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) vigil As part of International Women's Day,  eight of our members took part in the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) vigil on Sheffield Town Hall steps. Chris spoke movingly to the gathered participants who represented several groups. Afterwards our eight thawed out with an early supper.
Fund Raising

Fund Raising

06/12/23 KES girls' Bun Sale. 07/12/23 Remaining items were donated to Winn Gardens Food Bank. Unsold cakes, etc from the coffee morning were added to the 'Bun Sale' goodies . Another £149.63 to MINS. Great work by the girls. N.B Our Sue Sheriff won the Bear's Name competition. 19/05/23 KES Bun Sale Supporting  MIN (Mums in Need) Congratulations to our three Share Our Skills (SOS) girls from King Edwards School (KES) They successfully planned, publicised and organised a 'bun sale' at the school raising £138.00 Mums in Need.  The items sold included their delicious mini lollies. Thanks to all who gave items to sell, bought or otherwise supported the event. 05/12/23 Daphne kindly hosted a 'Coffee and Cake Morning in aid of MINS. The fund-raising - delicious cakes, biscuits etc were complemented by 'What Women Want' , 'the card lady', Jackie's tree, a raffle, and
Social Events

Social Events

09/06/24 Civic Service and Reception for Sheffield's New Mayor Attendance at the Cathedral Civil Service and Town Hall Reception for Janye Dunn the new Lord Mayor proved  both a significant and joyful occasion for some of our members. 08/06/24 Litter picking with Si Hallamshire. Great fun when the intrepid few joined Si Hallamshire litter picking along the Porter Valley - one of the city's beautiful walks 17/05/24 Wendy's Coffee Morning Those members who attended Wendy's Coffee  Morning were delighted not only with the delicious cakes but also the new flat and it's great outlook. Many thanks Wendy 16/03/24 Charter Lunch Our Charter Lunch took place at Tapton Hall. A good time was had by all thanks to Chris N, Hilary, Angela, Chris L and Daphne who ensured everything went smoothly even after a late cancellation by the speaker. 25/02/24 Rhubarb Farm Lynne and President Sue joined
Supper Meetings

Supper Meetings

21/05/24 Cervical Cancer Prevention Dr Julia Palmer gave a superb talk on national and global challenges of eradicating cervical cancer, she certainly sparked off a long and lively discussion. Thanks to Sheila, Hilary and Group to for organising such an enlightening event. Summary The topic for the evening was the Prevention of Cervical Cancer and our speaker was Miss Julia Palmer, Consultant Gynaecologist in Sheffield.   The focus was the current situation here and the especial challenges in Africa, where the incidence and mortality are the highest in the world.  This cancer affects women of all ages and exacts a terrible toll on women with young families. The cancer is accessible and potentially preventable and awareness of the  causes, means of early diagnosis and treatment has increased greatly.   The challenge now is to apply this to populations. The key advance has been the recognition that a
Orange Café

Orange Café

Our first Orange the World event took place on July 25th at Waitrose cafe. A global campaign supported by the UN Orange the World seeks to eliminate violence against women. Orange day, November 25th, the first day of the annual 16 days of activism against gender based violence, is designated as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The 16 days end on December 10th, Human Rights Day Please wear or display something Orange on November 25th to demonstrate support 24/05/24 @ Orange Friendship visit to Halifax Club members from Dewsbury, Sheffield, Hallamshire plus Yorkshire President Susie greatly enjoyed Halifax's Friendship day. A guided Heritage tour, including seeing many of the iconic buildings, was followed by an Orange Café lunch (our normal 25th Orange Café did not take place). Thanks and congratulations to Si Halifax for such a good day. 24/04/24 @ Costa @
Business Meetings

Business Meetings

The monthly meeting covers all aspects of managing the club and it's activities. After a summary of the past month's activities each committee member or group leader reports on the progress and plans for their individual area. The meeting also acts as a venue for updates from our supported charities, club occasions e.g. presentation of awards to winners of the children's poster competition, talks by members, welcome of new members etc. 29/04/24 Si Sheffield AGM The high spot of the AGM was the official presentation of president's regalia to Sue, followed by the AGM celebration cake, beautifully made by Daphne our retiring Immediate Past President. The AGM agenda included reports from each activity group and each member of the committee. 04/03/24 Long service award for Chris Chris accepted her 30-year service award from President Sue. Congratulations Chris! 05/02/24 Celebrating Hilary's Award Congratulations to Hilary, A
Out and About

Out and About

23/11/23 Post Conference Party Post Conference Party to welcome Yorkshire President Susie Hilary and Daphne enjoyed the Post Conference Party that welcomed Susie, Yorkshire's President and also celebrated Thelma's birthday. 15/10/23 @ Halifax's Charter Lunch Party Seven of our members joined SI Halifax and District at their 90th Charter Lunch held in the grand Masonic Hall. 30/09/23 @ Hallamshire's Charter Lunch Members enjoyed SI Hallamshire's Charter lunch at Tapton. 09/09/23 Boat trip on Chesterfield canal Everyone enjoyed the boat trip on Chesterfield canal which raised £138 for Mums in Need. The weather was fine; comments ranged through interesting, fun, relaxing and informative. Thanks to President Sue for organising it and her husband who captained the ship. 25/07/23 Evening spent with members of SI Hallamshire "A lovely evening spent with members of SI Hallamshire. Many thanks to President Sandra" Daphne. 11/07/23 @ SI Selby Indian evening. Many