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Regional ‘Chain Gangs’ Get Together

President Liz McConnell welcomed Soroptimists from all over the Region to the annual gathering of outgoing and incoming club presidents.

[new_royalslider id=”1″] This is a popular event, enabling the two ‘chain gangs’ to get together. Presidents coming to the end of their term of office can meet up with colleagues and swap tales of their year. Presidents Elect can start to get to know their opposite numbers, put names to faces, and share some of their ideas for the forthcoming year.

After the meal, and a Soroptimist-themed quiz, President Liz thanked everyone for their commitment to their clubs and to Soroptimism. She also reiterated that – should they have any query or problem – members of the regional team (many of whom were present) are always on hand to listen, discuss and offer advice.