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Slavery Defined; Membership Debated

The packed agenda for South Lancashire’s June meetings meant a day of concentration and debate for the region’s Soroptimists.

President Victoria Smerdon with Jenny Lloyd
President Victoria with Jenny Lloyd

Guest speaker Jenny Lloyd, Research Intern with Unchosen, explained the charity’s work. Its aim is to raise awareness of modern day slavery through the medium of film. The three short films that followed (‘The Trip’, ‘Let’s Talk About Sex’ and ‘Nicu’) illustrated different aspects of human trafficking. Statistics cannot demonstrate the humiliation, deprivation and cruelty of modern day slavery: films can.

Margaret Molyneux, Programme Action Chair, included in her report her experiences as a volunteer at the recent ‘End Sexual Violence in Conflict’ Global Summit.

The afternoon’s Council Meeting focused on the proposals for Associate Membership. Sue Williams (Federation Director of Membership) gave a comprehensive presentation on the topic. The debate then widened as Pat Williams (Regional Membership Officer) marshalled clubs to ask questions that had been raised at their own meetings.

President Victoria with (L) Sue Williams and (R) Pat Williams
President Victoria with (L) Sue Williams and (R) Pat Williams

The session, although lengthy, enabled a wide variety of concerns to be aired – and, Sue said, would contribute to the already-extensive information in the Members’ Section of the SIGBI website. The debate at the Harrogate Conference could well be lively.