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April 2023

Diane and Kay as new Presidents Elect 2023

April is the time of year where we take stock of all that we have achieved throughout the ‘soroptimist year’ and we celebrate this at our Annual General Meeting. (AGM) President Jill opened our meeting and this marked the beginning of her second year as club President. At this meeting we install our new officers and Diane Walker and Kay Turner were installed as joint Presidents Elect. Rowena Castillo- Nicholls became our new Vice President. We have every confidence in our officers as we move into the new year.

We were proud to know that of the £3,509 raised for President’s Charities during the year 2022-23, £2,248.97 was for Cornwall Hospice Care.

Cheque to Cornwall Hospice Care

Their representative Carrie was present to receive ‘the big’ cheque. Programme Action Officer Diane reported that she had submitted 22 programme focus reports on our club projects to the national Soroptimists updated website.  This reflects the huge amount of activity across the year.


At the April AGM President Jill welcomed and formally ‘badged’ two new members. Julie Hobba and Heather George will be a great asset to our soroptimist family.






Earlier in the month President Jill, Kay and Wendy attended a Friendship weekend hosted by SI Guernsey on their beautiful island. This was a lovely opportunity to engage in a range of activities and to meet members from other clubs. There was definitely some friendly rivalry on the crazy golf course!


Finally, club member Heather returned from New Zealand where she had visited

SI North Canterbury, which is one of our Friendship links. She brought back a card to us all and a friendship token to be placed on our table at meetings.