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August 2020

August 2020


With the help of Lions, furniture was donated to a lady leaving a Refuge to set up home.  Club member Maggie won both  the Big Challenge general knowledge Quiz for Chorachori and the “Wildlife in your garden” photography competition . Thomas Black of Mary’s Meals joined us at our club Zoom meeting to give us an update on the work of the Charity.

July 2020

July 2020


Members now into Zoom in a big way with club meetings, committee meetings and Region meetings held this way, keeping everyone informed and feeling part of the group. We learnt that SaffronTyler a previous Elizabeth Millard bursary recipient in STEM graduated with a First in her Physics. Emily Stevenson who was our guest of honour at our Unsung Heroine Event this year received  a Diana Award for work in raising environmental awareness. President B arbara was able to pass on badges to Toni & Val our new members. The club Fundraiser for July was a Virtual Flower and Produce show. Lots of photos of fruit, veg & flowers.

June still in lockdown

June still in lockdown


The club held its first Zoom meeting for all members. Members who volunteer at the Sticker Memory cafe, kept in touch with their clients with a Newsletter and a delivery of a cream tea. We made donations to The Foodbank, Cornwall Scrubs & St Petroc’s. We gave 19 year old Polly Everly £500 to fund her electrical installation course from The Elizabeth Millard and Andrew Flint Bursary Funds. On the Longest Day we celebrated Friendship and summer by pledging a sum of money equivalent to a meal (or meals for some)  small groups of members met outside in gardens and back yards, but keeping their distance. Overall 63 Soroptimists and friends took part, photographs were shared. Mary Weston won the prize draw of a bottle of No 63 Gin. Toni Dowrick joined the club as a linked member.

bedding for refuge
May in lockdown 2020 New member Val Stanley

May in lockdown 2020 New member Val Stanley


Although not able to meet in person members kept in touch with virtual meetings Members took part in a virtual South West Cornwall charity walk, adding up the miles they walked in their permitted hours exercise. Over £1000 was a raised to be  divided between Kernow Young Carers, Merlin, LGFB and Ellie Kitts. Other charity events were undertaken by Di Walker (a run)  and Judith and husband John a tandem ride. Other members were busy in the community, organising volunteering groups or as volunteers to sew, deliver foods and medicines or telephone befriending. We supported the Womens Refuge with donations of food vouchers and household items. Donations were made to Penhailgon’s Friends,  St Petrocs and Cornwall Scrubs   Val Stanley  was welcomed as a linked member.  

April 2020 Virtual handover to President Barbara

April 2020 Virtual handover to President Barbara


Unable to hold meetings because of Covid 19 lockdown, members are keeping in contact by phone, Messenger WhatsApp, Facetime, Skype WebEx etc. The AGM and handover from Sandra to Barbara happened by video link. Jeanette is President Elect, Jill isVice President. Members are busy helping others, organising volunteers, delivering foods and prescriptions, sewing scrubs, making phone contact with those on their own. Donating  ASDA vouchers and other items for women in Refuges, New linked member Val Stanley. Members joining in a Virtual South West Coastal Path Walk for a local charity (not yet chosen).

March 2020

March 2020


Club meeting celebrating St Piran’s Day and world Book DayUnsung , Cheque presentation to CHICKS, Unsung Heroine Awards at Carlyon Bay Golf Club each Guardian Emily Stevenson presented the awards to Val Stanley & Lottee Brown The club received a very generous donation/legacy of £20.000 from Andrew Flint which will be used for STEM projects