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February 2017 We welcome our 6th new member this club year

February 2017 We welcome our 6th new member this club year


Marie joined the club at our February business meeting, making that 6 new members this club year. Sandra & Shirley organised a fun evening at Porthpean Golf Club a beetle drive and Cornish Quiz. Kath hosted a soup lunch in her home for funds for our Programme Action activities. Judith and chums ran the annual Barn Dance at Charlestown for the Women’s Refuge fund. 

January 2017

January 2017


Sheila Vanloo was our guest speaker at a January Speaker supper evening at Porthpean Golf Club. Sheila was instrumental in setting up  Radio St Austell Bay, is involved in the Arts locally and promotes events that bring the community together. Her last venture is a Festival of Fun in St Austell over Easter week.

December – Donations to Women’s Refuge & Club Annual Lunch

December – Donations to Women’s Refuge & Club Annual Lunch


Cheques for £800 were presented to representatives from 2 local Women’s Refuges at the December business meeting. Presidents Sue & Wendy hosted the Clubs Annual Luncheon at Lanhydrock Golf & Country Club, Lion Geoff Oswald proposed the toast to Soroptimist International & Region President Daphne Dowsing responded. The club joined with over 90 local organisations by decorating a tree in St Petroc’s church Bodmin.

November 2016 – Malta SIGBI Conference

November 2016 – Malta SIGBI Conference


The Soroptimist highlight of the month was 11 members of St Austell travelling to Malta to attend the Annual Conference. Five  husbands went too, to be amongst the 60 strong party from SW & CI Region to cheer on our new Region President Daphne Dowsing of Tiverton. President Sue was the voting delegate at the General Meeting when clubs voted for SIGBI to apply for Charitable status. Meanwhile back in St Austell other members held a supper in aid of the Meru Project, helped out with the Torchlight Carnival, represented the club at the Remembrance Day Parade, supported the towns Christmas lights with a Chocolate Tombola stall. We gave a cheque to the St Austell Library supporters and welcomed another new member Shirley Cousens. On 25th November we held a collection at Tesco for items for our local Women’s Refuges. Unite to End Violence against

October 2016

October 2016


The month began with members planting a tree in memory of much loved past member Shirley Rosevear in the grounds of Little Harbour the Children’s Hospice. Shirley and Howard donated the land for the building. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and member Pauline Giles spoke to the club of the current activities of her charity Bosom Buddies. We welcomed new member Shirley Ho Clemo. Members who sew, had a lesson from Nicola one of our Unsung Heroine Award winners and made up cushions from patchwork created in Kosovo, the cushions are sold and all proceeds returned to Hatemja a young widow bringing up 6 children. On the last Saturday of the month we held an Autumn Craft Fayre in Charlestown Hall raising money from stalls and food for our local women Refuges. Almost all members were able to put in an appearance and with support

September 2016 – Busy busy month

September 2016 – Busy busy month


At our business meeting we made a bursary presentation to Sarah Thompson, we heard from Vanessa Burton who has taught in Meru Tanzania where our SIGBI project is based and inducted new member Annette Miller. We worked with the Lions on a White River Duck Race, gave away books at Lanlivery Fayre to mark the International Day of Literacy, We undertook our annual beach clean & survey this time in Charlestown. We joined other NGOs and local organisations outside Truro Cathedral to mark The International Day of Peace. At the end of the month we held a Harvest Auction at the Lanherene Newquay fundraising for local Women’s Refuges.  

August 2016

August 2016


Representatives from Carefree an Independent Voluntary organisation in Cornwall assisting young people between the ages of 16-25 leaving care, were the speakers at our August Meeting. Kay & Wendy presented the membership growth plans that they had devised for our club following their attendance at the 3 Growth Fund meetings held over the spring & summer. The spell of fine weather in mid August held for the members, friends & family to enjoy an evening  BBQ in the lovely gardens of Libby & Alan. 

July 2016 new member Frances and new Friendship Link

July 2016 new member Frances and new Friendship Link


Members supported Plymouth Soroptimists Gala Dinner at the start of the month. At our business meeting we welcomed Frances Fermin as a new member. We held a candle lighting ceremony to mark our latest Friendship Link with SI Barossa Valley in  Southern Australia. Presidents Sue & Wendy attended the UKPAC Study Day in Bristol with speakers on Modern Day Slavery, FGM and Women’s Imprisonment. Some members took part and others were Marshalls at the Race for Life in Truro on 10th. President Sue was invited to attend a reception in Port Isaac organised by The Ideas Partnership to thank the locals for their work with disadvantaged families in Kosovo. Sue was invited by one of our Unsung Heroine Award winners Nicola and was presented to HRH The Duchess of Cornwall. Later in the month members, friends and family enjoyed a Murder Mystery Evening on the