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February Guest Dr Liz Barnes of Wired Cornwall, Quiz, Soup Kitchen, Barn Dance

February Guest Dr Liz Barnes of Wired Cornwall, Quiz, Soup Kitchen, Barn Dance


The club welcomed Dr Liz Barnes who spoke about how she had set up Wired Cornwall a Non Residential Stroke/Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre. The centre has recently moved from Allet to new larger premises in Trevissome Chiverton Cross.  Member Barbara hosted a Soup kitchen at her home in aid of Diabetes UK, later in the week we held a Quiz evening at St Austell Brewery for members and friends. Proceeds were donated to Fowey RNLI. At the end of the month  a Barn Dance was held at Charlestown, fundraising for local Women’s Refuges. Lots of photos on our Facebook page

November – Harrogate, Annual Lunch, Int Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

November – Harrogate, Annual Lunch, Int Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


Early in November 13 members travelled to Harrogate by train & plane & car to attend the SIGBI Conference and cheer club member Kay Turner as she was installed as our Region President. Lots of photos on our Facebook page.  Other members represented the club at the Parade on Remembrance Sunday. We had made quilted cushions in partnership with our Friendship Link Club in New Zealand and these were donated to The Little Harbour the Children’s Hospice  at Penrice. Presidents Liz & Catherine hosted the Clubs Annual Lunch at a super new venue, The Lanydrock Golf & Country Club on 23rd November. Mary Jones speaking on Music for well being was the Guest Speaker. 25th November -was the Day for the Elimination of Violence of Women. The Coop kindly let us put up a display and ask members of the public to donate items that

September Activities

September Activities


One of our busiest months see our Facebook page for lots of photos Early in the month was the White River Duck Race with the Lions in the Pentewan Valley raising money for WaterAid – the Government matched our donation. We had a stall at Lanlivery Fayre and gave out 500 books. President of SI Tiverton & Vice President of the Region Daphne Dowsing was a speaker at our supper meeting, she told us about her Grant of Friendship visit to Japan to meet with Tiverton’s Friendship Link club and others. Pam and her husband hosted a curry night for new and prospective new members at her home. On 22nd September, the club undertook the Annual MCS beach clean and survey of Charlestown beach. we have been cleaning a beach in St Austell since 1999. We marked the International Dayof Peace by trying to light

September Club Meeting

September Club Meeting


Members met up again in September  to catch up after a busy summer. The photo shows our top table officers. In July some members were involved with the Race for Life. President Catherine’s son took part in a Sponsored Sky Dive for the Merlin project. The club visited the Merlin Centre at Sticker. Presidents Catherine & Liz hosted a Salad & Sweet Evening in the garden of Catherine’s new home, proceeds to Merlin.  Some members attended the the Story Tree Bookmarks launch at St Austell Library.  Some members helped with supermarket collections for Cruse. Kay held a fundraiser for Merlin at her home – afternoon teas and shopping. An ever popular Bingo night was held at Porthpean Golf Club also for Merlin There are lots of photos of these events on our Facebook Page