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President Rosemary Jenkinson Presents a Cheque to Her Chosen Charity

President Rosemary Jenkinson Presents a Cheque to Her Chosen Charity


President Rosemary Jenkinson, Kath Tuddenham and Ann Brown present a cheque for £2320 to St Benedict’s Hospice representative Linda Thorpe. The Hospice was President Rosemary’s Charity during her year. I think all members will agree we have done both Rosemary and the Hospice proud raising funds with some great initiatives. Today is Rosemary’s final day as President as she hands over the reigns to Violet Stoker at our AGM this evening. Thanks for a great year Rosemary, we didn’t know how things would work in these strange times but we did it!

Final Push for The President’s Charity

Final Push for The President’s Charity


  As President Rosemary Jenkinson’s year comes to an end SI Sunderland held a Craft and Promises Auction to boost her chosen Charity St. Benedicts Hospice. Over the last few months members, family and friends have been busy making articles to put up for auction such as handcrafted and painted cards, bird boxes, a bug hotel, framed watercolours, knitted and sewn items as well as promises for afternoon tea and a South African themed meal. Each item was photographed and put into the Auction catalogue which was distributed widely. Auctioneer Ann Brown said: ‘In these strange times when we cant meet up together you have to think outside the box. This was a completely new venture for us and although well thought through, we weren’t sure it would actually work, but it did!’ The Auction which was held on Zoom on the 10th March went

SI Sunderland Lights the City in Orange for 16 Days of Action

SI Sunderland Lights the City in Orange for 16 Days of Action

Members of SI Sunderland joined other Soroptimists across the world taking action and calling for the Elimination of Violence against Women.  From 25th November we posted on our social media platforms a message and images each day to raise awareness of this issue and signpost people to organisations that can help and support. Some very famous faces joined us in helping us get this very important message across. SI Sunderland President Rosemary Jenkinson says, ‘Everyone deserves to live a life free from fear, abuse and violence and we were concerned that the pandemic has escalated abuse and closed down routes to safety for women. Our social media posts are designed to get the message out that you are not alone and there are organisations who are still able to help you as well and of course to raise awareness of the issue. We must not
Poems in the Pandemic Winners Announced!

Poems in the Pandemic Winners Announced!

Poems in a Pandemic is a poetry and art competition for frontline social care support staff, leaders and nurses to capture their thoughts, feelings and experiences of caring for people in a pandemic. Social care and support staff working in care homes, the community and in all-care settings are at the front line of the coronavirus fight, working alongside the NHS and supporting the country’s most vulnerable people. Angela Richardson SI Sunderland member felt that the contributions from these staff deserved recognition and their experiences need to be shared and their stories told. Today the winners were announced via an excellent Zoom presentation. President Rosemary Jenkinson read out the winners of the categories we had judged and each person read out their winning poem. Congratulations to Daniel Lynn and Sharon Ireland for their excellent work. Below are some screenshots of the ceremony, go to our Facebook