It was agreed by our membes to use £200 from the £1000 donation given to the club by Poppy Vejjabul for loans to women through the KIVA scheme. Kiva is an organisation which helps people obtain loans to carry out projects. They often work with people who live in some of the poorest countries in the world – people who are not able to go to a bank for a loan. Kiva only started in 2005, yet since then 1,299,877 lenders have made loans of $714,978,975 in 85 different countries, with a 98.72% repayment rate. More information is available at SI Aberdeen have made 5 loans of $50 (c£40.80) totalling £204.80. These are the recipients of the loans: Maria from Paraguay Maria is from the city of Asuncion. She is studying in her third semester towards a law degree. Maria has many goals that