Soroptimist International of Aberdeen Club began in 1929, eight years after the first club was founded in California. The first club President was Fanny Cromar Bruce, a journalist who had moved from England to Canada where she met her Aberdonian husband. The couple returned to live and work in Aberdeen. On 9th March 2024 the club celebrated its 95th Anniversary with a Civic Reception and celebratory afternoon tea hosted by Lord and Lady Provost, David and Hazel Cameron in the Town House. Other representatives of Aberdeen City Council joined us as well as Soroptimist friends.
To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March pots of spring bulbs prepared by club members were distributed to visitors in the Local Duthie Park.
High tea was enjoyed in a local hotel followed by a Diva Tribute night at the theatre! Celebrations continued with a lunch at Woodbank House attended by club members and guests from Scottish and English clubs. Long service certificates were awarded to club members by the Federation Membership Director and the celebration cake, baked by a club member, was greatly enjoyed. The afternoon speaker Chris Wardle, Gardens and Designed Landscapes Manager for the North East, enthralled us with a talk about his work at the much acclaimed Crathes Castle Gardens.