What Does International Friendship Mean To Bridgend Soroptimists?
Friendship is at the core of being a Soroptimist and today Bridgend Soroptimists showed what international friendship means to them. Soroptimist International Club Friendship Day is celebrated today because it was on the 3rd October 1921 that the first Soroptimist club was founded in California. Alongside the many personal friendships that our members have forged through being part of this amazing International organisation, Soroptimist International Bridgend also has formal friendship links with clubs in Australia, Finland, Pakistan, Canada and the USA. Greetings have been sent to all our friendship links and we are thinking of them all at this difficult time. We were particularly pleased to receive greetings from our Finnish friends in Uusikaupunki. Whilst they too have been suffering the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, they were excited to tell us that they had been able to have a face-to-face meeting in September –