Bridgend Soroptimists raise £2,400 for Emmaus South Wales
Last week staff and trustees were invited along to Bridgend Soroptimists New Year dinner, where President Ruth Davies-Kemp, presented Emmaus South Wales a cheque for £2,400 following a successful fundraising raffle. The raffle was drawn at our Christmas meeting on 11th December and featured some fantastic prizes. Some examples include a £100 jewellery voucher from D & M Davies Jewellers, a luxury Christmas hamper, and a £50 John Lewis voucher donated by Qualia Law. Bridgend Soroptimists decided to organise the raffle after a visit from Chair of Trustees, Julie Raikes, and Companion Dean last year. Julie and Dean visited a couple of club meetings and spoke to the Soroptimists about the work Emmaus South Wales do to support people overcoming homelessness and social exclusion. Julie Raikes, Chair of Trustees at Emmaus South Wales said, “On behalf of everyone at Emmaus South Wales, we would like