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#WhoIsShe? Sue Perry, Addison Phillips, Elizabeth Ralph and Elizabeth Casson OBE

Soroptimist International is almost 100 years old and is celebrating the lives and contributions of  members who have made a difference.  Our current member Sue Perry was the first to be published (see post 4th September 2020).

Quote from SIGBI: “As  part of  SIGB’s the celebration of the first centenary of Soroptimist International in 2021, more than 100 Soroptimists have been selected to be commemorated as part of the #WhoIsShe? Campaign.

The centenary of the organisation seemed a fitting opportunity to recognise and celebrate the professional and personal commitments made by these outstanding members through the years.

These #WhoIsShe? campaign members, both past and present, from Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland have all been nominated by Soroptimist Clubs for their noteworthy contribution to society in the furtherance of the aims and objects of the organisation.  We will be Showcasing 12 Outstanding Soroptimists each month.”

The other three members are no longer with us but we have posted our congratulations to them all on our social media pages.  If you would like to know more about them and our history SI Bristol’s book “100 Years of Sisterhood: Bristol Fashion” can be purchased from or through