SI Bristol Embraces Activism 2020: Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!
SI Bristol embraced the ‘16 Days of Activism’ for 19 days! (22nd November to 10th December) A cohort of our members ‘attended’ The Creative Forum that Tara Arkle organised to replace the SI Weston super Mare annual Railing Against Abuse planned to gather in London this year. This Forum was on 22nd November – three days prior to the United Nations (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women annual awareness day. This multi-year UN End Violence against Women campaign is an effort aimed at preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls. This year the focus was “on amplifying the call for global action to bridge funding gaps, ensure essential services for survivors of violence during the COVID-19 crisis, focus on prevention, and collection of data that can improve life-saving services for women and girls.” The 2020 theme was “Orange the