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Trauma Teddy Transfer October 15th 2019

Trauma Teddy Transfer October 15th 2019


As part of its Centenary year celebrations, SI Bristol made a target to knit 100 teddy bears to be given to the Motorway Police for children involved in traffic accidents. On 15th October, five SI Bristol members (Maureen [originator], Patti [knitter], Marion [President Elect], Denise [President], Anita [Organiser]) visited the Police Head Quarters in Portishead. They were met by the Chief Constable Marshall and Sergeant Sales, who made it clear that Teddies were a valuable tool for comforting a child involved in an accident. Interestingly, we learnt that the Teddies are not given to children involved in serious accidents, especially those involving fatalities, because of the risk of a long-term association of the teddy with the incident. However, they will be distributed between the Almondsbury, Bridgwater and Portishead police stations and the Avon Fire and Rescue Service. The Teddy bears were placed on the windscreen

September 9th 2019: Visit to St Mary Redcliffe Church

September 9th 2019: Visit to St Mary Redcliffe Church


On 9th September 22 Soroptimists, including Soroptimisters, enjoyed a wonderful evening at St Mary Redcliffe Church, set in Redcliffe itself. We were greeted by Cecile Gillard whose knowledge of the church was amazing she left no questions unanswered.  We saw the stained glass window commemorating John Cabot’s 1497 voyage to America aboard the Matthew and a small model of the Matthew too.  The other stained glass windows were amazing and included a modern stained glass window in the Lady Chapel.  There were towering pillars and Gothic arches, a wonderful view along the central aisle and the medieval stone font at the west end of the nave. There was so much to see and a return visit is essential to refresh our memories and see more.  Many thanks to Susan G who organised the visit and to Cecile Gillard a volunteer with exceptional knowledge of this

October 19th 2019: Bag Packing for the Lord Mayor of Bristol Children’s Appeal

October 19th 2019: Bag Packing for the Lord Mayor of Bristol Children’s Appeal


On Saturday 19th October 2019 a team worked at Marks & Spencer in Broadmead to collect money for the Lord Mayor of Bristol Children’s Appeal.    Helpers stood at the end of the check-out counters in the Food Hall and offered to help shoppers pack their bags. Of seven helpers, four were SI Bristol Soroptimists (Liz N, Marion, Ruth, Yvonne). For the day’s effort, £437.46 was raised making it possible for two vouchers (£20 each) to be given to 10 (almost 11) children at Christmas.

SIGBI Conference Bournemouth 24th-26th October 2019

SIGBI Conference Bournemouth 24th-26th October 2019


Five members of SI Bristol travelled to Bournemouth for the annual conference with over 800 other delegates. The South West and Channel Islands Region was well represented, three members were chair people including our Sue P. On day one the conference opened with two inspirational speakers. Baroness Susan Greenfield spoke about her work on dementia and hopes to revolutionise diagnosis and treatment. George Anderson spoke about leading ourselves and others to better wellbeing mentally and physically. Penny Mallory an inspirational speaker, currently a performance coach, told us of her ambition, from the age of 6years old, to be a successful rally driver. She had a difficult childhood and then tried various adventure activities. She said that mental toughness is an important part of development and challenge, confidence, control and commitment is part of this. Communication is fundamental to performance and that we need to be

October 14th 2019: Worshipful Society of Apothecaries – Dr Tim Chambers OBE, JP, FRCP

October 14th 2019: Worshipful Society of Apothecaries – Dr Tim Chambers OBE, JP, FRCP


On Monday 14th October SI Bristol heard a most interesting and informative talk by Dr Tim Chambers, Vice Lord Lieutenant of Bristol, is a member, as well as past Master and Examiner of the prestigious Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London. Tim told us about the founding of the Society which was given its charter in 1672 and celebrating its 300 year a few years ago. In addition the Society has close connections with the Physic Garden in Chelsea. They have a large collection of documents and other memorabilia celebrating their history from their origins as practitioners in herbal medicine to developing skills in diagnostic techniques and are involved in the examination of potential medical practitioners. It has interesting associations with the ancient royal church of St Andrew by the Wardrobe and with the royal palace nearby. Tim also told us a little about his

September 2019 Marion President Elect SI Bristol Visits SI Oakland

September 2019 Marion President Elect SI Bristol Visits SI Oakland


On 26th September 2019, Marion, President Elect from SI Bristol (the first Classification Club for Women) attended the Business Meeting of SI Oakland (The Soroptimist Founder Club) at Z’s Café in Oakland, California. She was warmly welcomed by enthusiastic, interactive and diverse (in terms of both ethnicity and age) Club members. The meeting commenced with welcomes, introductions and a fundraiser ‘Sunshine’. An envelope was handed around so each member had an opportunity to brag or say something about what was going on in her life. The amount of the donation (from $1 to $20) was stated before the brag. Marion gave a short talk about the first two decades of SI Bristol’s history, which was well received and generated much friendly discussion. This was followed by a talk about St Mary’s Center ( in Oakland. This centre provides breakfast, lunch, a shower and a bed

September 17th 2020: Outing to The Watermill Theatre near Newbury “Kiss me, Kate”

September 17th 2020: Outing to The Watermill Theatre near Newbury “Kiss me, Kate”


On a beautiful sunny afternoon a coach full of Soroptimists, Soroptimisters and friends set out for the Watermill Theatre near Newbury. It was in a beautiful setting by the river and after a few drinks we met in the dining room for an early evening meal. The theatre itself was delightful and our seats were right at the front. Most of us were familiar with the story line and so it was very relaxing and easy to follow.   The cast were just amazing. Most of them were young with lots of energy and engaged beautifully with the audience. After the show we returned home delighted with the whole outing from start to finish. Many thanks again Ruth for a very successful and fun event.

Regional Meeting Taunton September 21st 2019

Regional Meeting Taunton September 21st 2019


SI Bristol was well represented at The Regional Meeting in Taunton, where 8 of us attended.   In the morning there were two speakers. The first Lynne Ingram told us about the Asian Hornets which are invading the UK. They are large black and orange wasps and are a significant threat to honey bees and if they get established they will have a devastating impact on our insect population. The nests have been spotted and destroyed but they will inevitably increase. It should be noted that European Hornets are native to the UK and are beneficial. If Asian Hornets are spotted there is an app to report the sighting AsianHornetWatch or report it at The second speaker Camilla Hawley from “Safe Families for Children” spoke from the heart and told how they work with families to prevent children going into care. This organisation started

July 8th National Centre for Integrative Medicine – Dr Elizabeth Thompson (One of our Club Charities for the year)

July 8th National Centre for Integrative Medicine – Dr Elizabeth Thompson (One of our Club Charities for the year)


Dr Elizabeth Thompson, CEO of NCIM, told us about the work of the Centre and how it focuses on inspiring health and wellbeing. NCIM has a new approach to healthcare that gives people control of their own health and wellbeing and makes the most of conventional, lifestyle and holistic approaches. As it is one of our two charities we were delighted to hear about the work which will help us inform people when fundraising over the next two years. SI Bristol would like to tell you a bit more about the logo Some people see the logo for NCIM as two hearts – one the right way up and one up-side-down – while others see it as two plasters.      

Garden Party in aid of Learning for Living and The National Centre for Integrative Medicine.

Garden Party in aid of Learning for Living and The National Centre for Integrative Medicine.


President Denise organised a lovely Garden Party at her home on Saturday 29 June in aid of Lifeskills – Learning for Living and The National Centre for Integrative Medicine our two charities this year (see other posts for more information  about our charities). There were several tents with stalls set out in Denise’s beautiful and colourful garden.  They were very well supplied with books, paintings, jewellery, woodwork, other creative donations, greeting cards, plants and garden produce, cakes, sandwiches, tea and coffee, a raffle and many other donations to raise funds for the charities. There were also several information leaflets about Soroptimist International, the Bristol Club and our two charities. We had a beautiful sunny day, the hottest this year for the event. Many thanks  to friends and Club members who supported us in many ways and a big thank you to President Denise and her