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Annual visit to London February 2018

Annual visit to London February 2018


Our annual visit to stay at Number 63 Bayswater Road at our very own Soroptimist boutique hotel was attended by 13 Soroptimists and 3 Soroptimisters, As usual the first evening was spent in the usual Italian Restaurant that is very close to Number 63.  However, the second day did not go without a hitch and some of us spent the afternoon and evening at two of the major London hospitals as you will see from the splendid arm sling on one of our faithful members in the front of the picture.   The rest of our group enjoyed the energy and talent of the major new production of the Olivier award-winning, smash-hit West End and Broadway musical Five Guys Named Moe in the new Marble Arch Theatre. Many thanks to Jeanette and Ruth for making it happen.

Lord Mayor of Bristol’s Children Appeal: Bag Packing

Lord Mayor of Bristol’s Children Appeal: Bag Packing


Several Soroptimists (Liz F, Liz G, Liz N, Marion, Yvonne)  helped by packing bags at food counters at Marks and Spencer, Broadmead and Waitrose, Henleaze. During 2017, over £1,400 was raised for this appeal. The Lord Mayor of Bristol’s Children Appeal helps disadvantaged children under the age of 16 (or 18 if disabled) who reside within the Bristol city boundary to have a better Christmas by providing vouchers that can be exchanged for food, clothes and toys. Recipients are nominated by the Children and Young People’s Services, Social Care Division, City of Bristol, who vet all applications that are also substantiated by the applicant’s social worker, teacher or doctor, thereby ensuring that the help reaches the right children. The charity aims to provide relief to approximately 1.650 disadvantaged children.  Each child receives two vouchers: 1 x £20 to be spent on food and 1 x £20

Members Interest Table -The Table to Tempt

Members Interest Table -The Table to Tempt


Starting on 22nd January, 2018 there will be a table at each Business meeting where members can leave fliers and information about activities and events in Bristol and its surroundings. The photograph shows Liz N setting up the first Table. Members looked at the information and took any fliers of particular interest to them. Please bring brochures, fliers, notices, requests and anything you think will be of interest to share with members. Any material not collected at the end of the meeting will be discarded.

8th January 2018 Caroline Duckworth – The Merchant Venturers

8th January 2018 Caroline Duckworth – The Merchant Venturers


Caroline Duckworth, Treasurer of The Society of Merchant Venturers, gave an informative talk that provided insights into the changing focus of the Society. The Society of Merchant Venturers was formally established in 1552 by Royal Charter from Edward VI. For centuries it was synonymous with government in Bristol but now focuses on charitable organisations. Membership is by invitation only and the three critical criteria are (i) to be successful in chosen career, (ii) to be involved in civic society, and (iii) to be congenial. In a secret ballet, at least 75% of members must approve the prospective member.  An initial and an annual fee are paid. The first woman member (non-honorary) joined in 2003 and now of 76 members, 7 are women. The current areas of focus are: Education (of 4,000 pupils in 9 schools) Care for the Elderly Social Business Charitable Funding (£7million in

Bridge Learning Campus Interviews

Bridge Learning Campus Interviews


In December 2017, Denise M and Liz G took part in performing mock interviews to students at the Bridge Learning Campus. This campus is an Academy in Hartcliffe, Bristol. This annual event involves giving practice interviews to Year 11 students by people from business and voluntary groups.  Interviews last all morning with a format of six students with each pair of interviewers. Interviewers cover many aspects, including general type questions and giving advice regarding appearance, confidence, and quality of answers.  Interviewers also advise students to write a Resume that is as good as they are, and give verbal feedback on how they did overall. Interviewers record their notes and Feedback Forms are returned to students. Students and school officials find them to be invaluable.

Christmas Concert Fundraiser for Lord Mayor of Bristol’s Children Appeal

Christmas Concert Fundraiser for Lord Mayor of Bristol’s Children Appeal


On Saturday 16th December 2017, nine volunteers gathered at Colston Hall to enjoy the ‘English Christmas Music’ concert performed by the Bristol Choral Society Bristol Ensemble and conducted by Hilary Campbell. The programme consisted of ‘Christmas day’ and ‘Psalm 148’ by Gustov Holst, ‘A Ceremony of Carols’ by Benjamin Britton and a ‘Fantasia on Christmas Carols’ by Ralph Vaughan Williams. We were also treated to ‘Interlude’ beautifully played by harpist Anne Denholm. The team (Carol, Gill, Jeanette, Liz N, Lizzie, Lucy, Marion, Pauline H and Susan G) collected £244.43 from the happy, departing audience, for the Lord Mayor of Bristol’s Children Appeal. For more information about this Appeal check out:; registered charity number 288262.  

Act of Remembrance organised by Churches Together in Clifton, Cotham and Redland

Act of Remembrance organised by Churches Together in Clifton, Cotham and Redland


On the 10th November at Whiteladies Road Lizzie C laid a wreath on behalf of SI Bristol. This is the 5th year we have joined the local schools, the armed forces, Avon and Somerset Constabulary and other local groups to remember those who have laid down their lives for us. This year, following the merger of Redland High School and The Redmaids’ School, we were delighted to see the girls from the new Redmaids’ High School providing the music for us.

Postcard from Cardiff – SIGBI Cardiff Conference 2017

Postcard from Cardiff – SIGBI Cardiff Conference 2017


This was the 83rd Federation Conference held at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff from the 26-28 October 2017. Nine members of SI Bristol attended for some or all of the time which was excellent and these are a few highlights relating to SI Bristol at the conference (for the full report see SIGB website The Opening Ceremony, paraded the flags from the countries represented by SIGBI, the Soroptimist International flag and the United Nations flag. SI Bristol had a mention right at the beginning as being the first formed Club in the UK. Friday morning the programme began proper with the first keynote speaker, Michael Kaufman, who co-founded the White Ribbon Campaign. Following his presentation, four Clubs showcased what they had done over the past year which related to Violence Against Women. We were very pleased that this year SI Bristol was invited to

Christmas Gifts: Shoe Boxes for UNSEEN

Christmas Gifts: Shoe Boxes for UNSEEN


On Thursday 8th December, gifts donated by SI Bristol members were wrapped ready to give to UNSEEN for current residents of their Safe houses. A team of Programme Action committee members (Liz N, Marion, Sue P and Yvonne) wrapped items to be given to people spending Christmas in an UNSEEN Safe House. Nine items were colourfully wrapped and placed in shoe boxes (8 for women and 5 for men). The shoe boxes and their lids were wrapped separately in gift paper, giving a festive look. That meant we wrapped 143 items! A big thank you to SI Bristol members who contributed items.

Caring in Bristol and our Christmas Party

Caring in Bristol and our Christmas Party


On 4th December, 2017, we enjoyed our Christmas. After a delicious meal, our gratitude of the kitchen staff at the Golf Club was shown. This was followed by two activities: one a quiz to work out the associated place name from a clue and the other to identify people from photos posted around the room. Money was collected for Caring in Bristol, a charity that strives to create a society where everyone has a home, has hope, and is part of their community. They deliver projects around homelessness that include the 365 Shelter, Caring at Christmas, Bristol Nightstop, and the Survival Handbook publication. The evening concluded with carols sung by The Owls of Pill. We were encouraged to sing along and we proved to be in fine voice. The Owls are a group of all-male singers, garbed in Dickensian costumes. They took a collection from