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Corinthian Capers – Bears, Flowers and Rare Birds in Romania

Corinthian Capers – Bears, Flowers and Rare Birds in Romania

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Carpathian Mountains A Carpathian Caper At our most recent speaker meeting on Zoom, Harrogate and District Soroptimists enjoyed a presentation by Pat Rumbold on her Romanian holiday. What a joy! This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill collection of holiday snaps with a commentary. It was a cornucopia of beautiful photographs and fascinating insights into the flora, fauna and culture of this former communist country. Pat and her husband stayed with a local guide called Dan. He took them out daily on walking tours in the beautiful countryside of the Carpathian Mountains. Brown Bears, rare birds and wild flowers European brown bear Pat entranced us with her descriptions. From a stunning array of wildlife including bears, newly awakened from their winter lethargy. Also,  birds which are rarely seen in Western Europe and beautiful wild flowers,  For those of us who have been hibernating during lockdown, her account of the
Lesley Berry
Ask Me Why I am a Soroptimist?

Ask Me Why I am a Soroptimist?

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Lesley Berry Lesley Berry responds to Why I am a Soroptimist? Why are we Soroptimists? That is the question posed to our members. If you're interested in finding out more about joining  email We will be in contact. Here is why Lesley is a Soroptimist A Soroptimist since 1992, my first Club was Castleford, Normanton and District. I’d been spotted in the local paper showing some Russian lecturers around the school where I was Head of History, Featherstone High School. I received a letter inviting me along to a meeting. S.I. Castleford, Normanton and District I didn’t take up the invitation to join at first as my father had died suddenly and our family were knocked for six. When I did eventually go to a meeting I was bowled over by these (I must say somewhat elderly) ladies who chatted about their exploits and
Evil Covid Fairy
Club Alternative Christmas Zoom Party and Pantomime – Oh yes it is!

Club Alternative Christmas Zoom Party and Pantomime – Oh yes it is!

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Every Christmas we have a fun Christmas Party with good food and entertainment.  Its’ a grand social event attended by most of our members. This year President Sandra and Chief Elf Liz wondered what we could do, #covid19 loves a party!  Zoom is now the way we meet.  How do we make it happen? Memories of previous parties with games, recitals and performances didn’t seem possible. But, nothing is impossible.  What about a pantomime asked President Sandra? So our ertwhile writer Sue looked through our archives and found Snow White and the Seven Soroptimists. Chief Elf Liz chatted up her neighbour and musician friend Tom. Club members ‘volunteered’ for roles in the panto or to talk about their most memorable Christmas. Our techy member  and Zoom admin Val was asked how it could work. And so began the planning of our 2020 Christmas Party. Pantomime

Fran Taylor with Making a Difference Award
Making a Difference – The Club honours Fran Taylor and the Harrogate Scrubbers

Making a Difference – The Club honours Fran Taylor and the Harrogate Scrubbers

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  Fran Taylor with Making a Difference Award Some people talk about ‘Making a Difference’ and others get on and do it. The shortage of scrubs for NHS staff who don’t normally wear them became a national issue as the Covid -19 virus took its toll. Fran Taylor recognised the need to do something and set up a Facebook page, Harrogate Scrubbers,  asking for others to support her sew scrubs for the Harrogate Hospital. Within 24 hours 200 people had signed up and more than £4500 had been raised. Within 5 weeks there was an army of 800 volunteers who were willing to sew, cut out, organise and deliver. We were delighted to welcome Fran  as our guest speaker at our Zoom meeting  to find out more about Fran’s fantastic achievement.  Club members also got the chance to see the Engraved silver photo-frame presented to

16 Days of Activism – Orange the World – Stop Violence Against Women

16 Days of Activism – Orange the World – Stop Violence Against Women

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  # Stop Violence Against Women Harrogate and District Soroptimists ‘Believe to Achieve Gender Equality’. For 16 Days of Activism starting 25th November to 10th December, Soroptimists everywhere will #OrangetheWorld.   Each of the 16 Days we celebrate marks a step towards women’s rights and a safe space for them.  Soroptimist International believes that women’s rights are human rights and through our work in the communities we work with that objective. Club members are actively involved in supporting the local Women’s Refuge. The Club recently provided household appliances and bedding to help women and their families escaping domestic violence set up home free from fear. ‘Loves Me. Loves Me Not’ bookmarks on healthy relationships, provided by the Club, are now available to midwives in the Harrogate District  who are caring for young mothers. Pregnancy and childbirth increase the risk of domestic abuse. President Sandra  said, “The

Smart Works – Helping Women into work

Smart Works – Helping Women into work

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Getting a job is never easy and with rising unemployment is becoming more difficult. Just getting an interview is a challenge. First impressions count.   Smart Works comes to the aid of unemployed women. To tell us more, Helen Oldham, chair of Smart Works Leeds, gave us an insight into how Smart Works Empowers Women to Succeed.             Smart Works,  a UK charity provides high quality interview clothes and interview training to unemployed women in need. It provides women with a work outfit from stock of high-quality clothes and accessories. With styling advice and interview training, the support helps women feel more confident and increases their chances of securing a job. Half the women have previously been unsuccessful in over 20 applications. A third have been turned down from over 50 jobs. All are suffering from a lack of confidence in their

Club Friendship Links Unite on Zoom
Friendship Day Links Across the World in Common Purpose

Friendship Day Links Across the World in Common Purpose

Great to meet up with our International Friendship Links again. Especially as the 3 October is Friendship Day.  A real opportunity to share what we are doing and how we are doing it! President Sandra lit a candle to celebrate Soroptimist Clubs throughout the world. We share a common purpose – to make a difference to the lives of women and girls. For instance, SI Willimantic, Connecticut, USA has a fantastic way to raise awareness and involve businesses in stopping violence against women in their  ‘I take a stand to stop violence against women’ campaign. SI Blantyre, Malawi  are funding and supporting the building of a library to help improve literacy and the development of IT skills at a local school. SI Milford Haven in Wales is helping keeping the beaches in Pembrokeshire clean with organised litter picking events. We also heard what is happening

Dr Kathleen Rutherford M.B.E
International Women’s Day 8th March 2020. Celebrating the life of Dr Kathleen Rutherford

International Women’s Day 8th March 2020. Celebrating the life of Dr Kathleen Rutherford


Celebrating International Women’s Day Across the world thousands of Soroptimists marked International Women’s Day with hundreds of activities and events on and around 8 March. In some countries just gathering like this puts their lives at risk. Events highlight the economic, political and social achievements of women, and raise awareness of work still to be done to build a better world for women and girls. The life of one of our founder members   Dr Kathleen Rutherford MBE Soroptimist International of Harrogate and District celebrated this very special day on the 4th March. Club member Rachel Richardson gave a fascinating presentation about the life of our founder President Dr Kathleen Rutherford MBE & Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Harrogate Town. A woman who devoted much of her life to working with disadvantaged people both nationally and globally. Rachel also managed to track down a

Busy December for Harrogate and District Soroptimists

Busy December for Harrogate and District Soroptimists


Harrogate and District Soroptimsits had a very busy run up to Christmas including the judging of our own Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition in Harrogate Borough and Wetherby as well as supporting Harrogate Rotary Club judge the Commercial Shops in Harrogate Town Centre. We supported the Wetherby Lions Christmas Market and raised over £200 for our Charities and had fun and laughter at our Christmas Party held at Ascot House Hotel in Harrogate. Some of us were also able to squeeze in a lovely Mulled Wine and Mince pie morning at member Christabel England’s home to raise funds for our joint project to help build a school library with SI Blantyre in Malawi. And not forgetting our Christmas party for our Contact the Elderly Group (now known as Re-Engage). The Mayor of Harrogate Borough Cllr. Stuart Martin MBE and Club President Mrs Sylvia Purser

THINKING ON IT! at SIGBI 85th Federation Conference in Bournemouth

THINKING ON IT! at SIGBI 85th Federation Conference in Bournemouth


Four Club members were able to attend a fabulous, thought provoking Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland Conference in Bournemouth. President Sue Williams theme was ‘Think on it’ and we certainly did. Great speakers including Baroness Susan Greenfield, Dr Leyla Hussein and Katy – a young woman who shared her experience of severe anxiety mental health problems and how visiting Zambia and meeting up with another 14-year old and the issues she faced regarding personal safety due to lack of toilets led to her involvement with Toilet Twinning and paid a significant part in her journey to improve her mental health. She received a standing ovation. An impromtu collection for small change raised over £1000 for Tiolet Twinning. The theme was mental health and we certainly turned the room Green – the colour of mental health awareness. It was also a fantastic opportunity to