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Annual General Meeting 19th April 2012

The Change of Insignia: Immediate Past President Maureen presents the chain of office to incoming President Mary.

President Mary presents the President Elect’s chain to Gillian.

President Maureen welcomed members to the AGM which was held at St. David’s Church Hall,PenrhynBay. The President thanked all the members for their friendship, support and help during the year. The club had enjoyed a variety of activities and had listened to many interesting speakers and a total of £6,114.70 had been raised for local and international charities. She was delighted that she had been able to support her nominated charity ‘Happy Faces’ with a £2,560 donation as well as supported many worthy causes during the year. here are some of the recipients receiving their cheques:

St. David’s Hospice:  The money was raised by selling daffodils knitted by members, and here is one of our younger helpers!

Citizen’s Advice Bureau: some of our members are volunteers for the local C.A.B.

The Stroke Club: Lorna has been volunteering at the local stroke club for 20 years, and she said they are keen to welcome patients who may benefit from the help available.

The Girl Guides: we actively forge links with the local guides, this year we have jointly produced a book of poems.

President Maureen thanked the social committee for providing the pre meeting buffet which had been enjoyed by all. here is Madhu wearing the new tabard she has embroidered with the Soroptimist logo, and incoming President Mary cutting the celebration cake.














The new officers for 2012 /2013 are:

President: Mary Longworth
President Elect: Gillian Davies
Vice President: Pat Kerfoot
Treasurer: Janet Weatherson
Secretary: Patricia Kerfoot and Val Morgan
Programme Action Officer: Elaine Bullock
Regional Representatives: Janet Murfin and Gillian Davies


President Maureen presented Mary Longworth with her chain of office and she in turn received her past president’s badge, flowers were exchanged. President Mary said it would be a privilege to lead the club during its Golden Jubilee year, her nominated charity will be ‘MacMillan Cancer Care’.

There followed the presentation of cheques, firstly to Vicky MacDonald a representative of St David’s Hospice. The Hospice received £860 a sum collected from the sale of hand knitted daffodils, also present was Nancy Kyffin a young girl who had helped the club to sell the daffodils and raised £300 of the total sum. The club was told how vital these donations are to the Hospice. The Guides were presented with £100 the proceeds raised from the sale of a poetry book created as a joint project. £100 was given to the ‘Communicate Conwy Group, who support stroke victims in the area. £50 was also given to C.A.B.

President Mary then cut the celebration cake.

The next business meeting will be at St David’s Hall at 7.30pm on May 3rd,2012.