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Presidents Janet and Pat 2020-2021

It was intended that Janet Murfin was to be club President for 2020-2021.  Janet had an interesting and exciting programme planned for the club but  unfortunately due to the pandemic, our club meetings were cancelled after the end of February. It was agreed that Janet would postpone her President’s year until 2021-2022 as this will hopefully enable her to have the same programme and she will be an excellent President to lead us in the Centenary year and the planned October 2021 SIGBI Conference in Llandudno.

Pat Kerfoot, one of last year’s joint Presidents offered to help Janet with this unusual interim year in which we’ve had no face to face meetings but have enjoyed several virtual chats and an outside coffee morning.

Photo above from the AGM in 2019 shows Pat Kerfoot, Janet Murfin and Stephanie Edwards who was joint President with Pat.