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May meeting: “Save the Children”

May meeting


President Gillian welcomed everyone to the May meeting and reminded members of some of the forthcoming events. There will be a coffee morning in aid of local charities in St. John’s Church Llandudno on Tuesday June 4th, from 10 o’clock until 12, all are welcome. In July members are invited to attend a strawberry tea and there will also be a cheese and wine evening at Adlington House for charities supported by the club.


President Gillian then introduced the guest speaker Mr John Roberts from ‘Save the Children’. He gave an interesting illustrated talk about the work of this worthwhile organization. Save the Children was established in 1919 by Eglantyne Jebb who was concerned at the suffering of children as a result of World War 1 and the Russian Revolution. The organization now helps children in over 120 different countries and responds to disasters worldwide. There are 35-40 emergency situations each year due to a variety of circumstances. It was interesting to hear how the organization is enabling communities to build schools in order to educate their children. Mrs Beryl Lloyd Jones gave the vote of thanks.


Members were reminded that the next meeting will be at Ysgol San Sior on June 13th at 6.30pm, when we will learn about the ‘Bee Project’ which the school undertook in partnership with Soroptimist International of Llandudno & District.