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“Grains of Mustard Seed” – June Speaker meeting

President Gillian welcomed everyone to the meeting and began by wishing Enfys Lloyd, Vera Bromley and Gwyn Owen a speedy recovery. She outlined some events which are to take place during the month of July: a strawberry tea, a cheese and wine evening and the ‘Bagathon’ which will be held outside Gregory’s Jewellers on July 20th.

President Gillian welcomed Gavin and Ffiona Craigen to give a talk about their work in Uganda which they called ‘Grains of Mustard seed’. It was fascinating to learn about all they had done to enable children to be educated in a suitable environment catering for their needs. A video was shown of children entering a play park which had been created for them. The bewilderment in their faces as they looked at the various equipment and then the sheer joy when they understood how to enjoy the roundabouts and swings.

A Hostel of Hope for destitute children was being  built with money from a legacy left by Liz Brown a lady who had lived in Rhyl. Children who had once slept in a market place now had a secure environment –  a fitting memorial to a generous benefactor.

Goods that had been handmade in Uganda were on display and available to purchase. Celia Blomeley gave the vote of thanks for an inspiring talk and thanked Gavin and Ffiona for all the work they have done.

The next meeting will be a business meeting at St. David’s Church Hall, Penrhyn Bay on Thursday July 11th.