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Club Officers 2024-2025

Club Officers 2024-2025

Our Club Officers this year are:- President(s)                           Shared Presidency President Elect Vice President Secretary                                 Rhian Hand Treasurers                              Caroline Adams and Kelly Owen Programme Action Officer  Melynda Standring Photos of officers below- Top row: Sandra B, Eirwen, Celia, Val, Janet W, Pam; Middle row: Cynthia, Joanne, Mary, Liz, Pat, Sue; Bottom row: Melynda, Sandra S and Janet M
What we do

What we do


Soroptimists in Action When members join their local Club, they make friends with like-minded women, have fun and work on projects that help improve the lives of women and girls locally, nationally and internationally. Our club members are divided into groups which focus on one of these three categories. ‘Actions’ include fund-raising, collecting items for back-packs (Mary’s Meals project), hosting a tea-party for children visiting from Chernobyl and knitting and selling daffodils for St David’s Day and poppies for Armistice Day. Members select local, national and international projects to work on as a Club. These are some of the causes that we are currently supporting: Mary’s Meals Conwy Food Bank Aberconwy Domestic Abuse Service Home-Start Women for Women International Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline Salvation Army Empowering Girls in Nepal SIGBI Benevolent Fund Feed the Minds Tenovus Royal British Legion Women’s Section Tools with a Mission Modern Slavery




Join Us! Membership is open to all women – the only qualification is that you need to believe in what we do! We welcome visitors to all meetings, and you are more than welcome to come and see us first before making any commitment. Like all clubs or membership organisations, we need to charge a membership fee or subscription to cover running costs. Each Soroptimist club pays a small annual fee to the Regional organisation (Cheshire, North Wales and Wirral), and a larger fee to our Federation (Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland – SIGBI). These help the central organisations to pay for meetings and other essential running costs, and they also cover the production of four digital magazines a year. Each club then sets their own membership fee to reflect their own running costs, which can be different from club to club eg. some




Our meetings are usually held at Holy Trinity Church Hall in the centre of Llandudno on the second and fourth Thursdays in the month. The first meeting in the month is a Business meeting – this is where we work on our Programme Action and progress work on local, national and international good causes. The second meeting is a social meeting where speakers may be invited or an outing or other event may be organised. The speaker meetings cover a wide range of topics of interest to Club members. We have regular friendship evenings where we invite our friends and also members of other clubs in our area. In ‘normal times’ we have an annual Charter lunch at the beginning of March where members of other clubs and other guests are invited to join us. We also have a Christmas party, at least one meal