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Rose Hutchinson – Forgotten 10 Campaign for Handicap International 2016

Today is December 10th 2016  – Human Rights Day. We were asked to do 10 things in the run up to December 10 so we will have to do all 10 all today:
1) Learn 10 facts: which included: In 2015, 43,000 people were killed or injured by explosive weapons. 92% of those people were civilians. There has been a 45% increase in the number of people injured since 2011. In Syria 53% people injured by explosive weapons. 15% needed amputations. In 2014 children accounted for 39% of civilian casualties. Handicap International has been in existence for 34 years, worked in 59 countries and has carried out 341 projects. They were joint winners of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. They clear landmines and unexploded bombs. They also provide artificial limbs and rehabilitation to amputees
2) Go to SI Solihull’s stand and learn 10 more facts
3) Build a pyramid of shoes. This is a powerful symbol of loss of life and limb. The shoes will be taken to Clarks who will distribute the footwear to Nepal and Africa as well as other countries
4) Sign the petition: These will be sent to Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson asking to stop the use of explosive weapons in civilian areas.
5) Information in the post box: for 10 clubs
6) Goals: One of our goals is to encourage conflict resolution and to promote peace. This is also one of the UNs sustainable goals. Goal number 10 is to reduce inequality.
7) Collect 10ps or multiples of 10 in today’s collection. (this came to £67.85)
8) Put it on Twitter – what you are doing today
9) Put in on Facebook
10) Complete the Programme Focus Report Form – SI Solihull to do this as Region can’t.